Plog Number 33
January 6 Fall Out

Hello fellow Ploggers. How are you all holding up? Hold onto your hats because things are starting to happen quickly and we don’t want to miss a thing.
We are starting to see some consequences for some people who participated in the January 6 Insurrection. It seems to be moving from the bottom to the top but at least something is happening. A 50 year old white female teacher from Wickliffe, Ohio has been convicted in court for her trip to the Capitol. Her name is Christine Priola and she is a conspiracy theory believer as well as an anti-vaxxer. She was a CMSD physical therapy teacher for special needs children. Priola plead guilty to felony Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and a trespassing on federal grounds type charge. The proceedings were in DC, so she got to make another trek there as she did on January 6, 2021. She was arrested on January 14, 2021 after being spotted on camera. She will be sentenced October 28, 2022. Her penalties range from fines to 20 years in Federal prison.
Another woman named Pamela Hemphill from Idaho made the trip to DC on January 6. Hemphill is a 69 year old breast cancer survivor. She claims to have just wanted to see and record what was going on for her videos which she shows on social media. She has surrendered herself to a Federal Prison in California and will continue getting cancer treatment while she is there. She admits that things went “too far”. I hope she learns more of a lesson than it went too far, while she is in prison. She is said to have followed around Ammon Bundy and his people’s rights group. He is an interesting character to say the least.
Then there is 51 year old Gena Ryan. Ryan a Texas realtor flew to DC in a private jet. She participated in the Insurrection and later begged 45 for a pardon. He didn't. She also said that she was not going to jail because she had blonde hair and white skin and they were a get out of jail free card. It wasn't. She also said she had a great job and a great future. Ryan is cocky and non-recalcitrant. She was sentenced to 60 days in a federal low security women’s prison. She was released February 2022. She had said that she would use her 60 days in prison to lose weight, detox, do yoga and write a book which she is sure will be a bestseller. I hope they stopped her Twitter account while she was in jail. Her charges were plead to a single federal misdemeanor charge of parading in the capitol building. It sounds like she had a good attorney. Ryan was charged on November 4, 2021 to 60 days’ incarceration and $1,500.00 fine for damages done to the Capitol.
The three women described above are certainly very small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. I am glad that they got some jail time and fines but I wonder if they understand that they were duped by a con man. Also that they participated in a mob scene where people lost their lives. And do they realize that they were handing over Democracy for Autocracy that would be ran by an evil idiot? They should write a book about that. It is more likely that they will be even more radicalized and look at themselves as heroes, foot soldiers, martyrs and future leaders for their cause. The big leaders need to have their consequences too.
In a previous plog I said that Merrick Garland needed to speak to the public. This week he did so in an interview with Lester Holt. He said twice that “no one is above the law” He also said that numerous and very thorough investigations are taking place currently by the justice Department. He said that running for office was not a shield to federal charges. As a former prosecutor I know that he cannot give away any of his case in a public forum. He said as much as he could. And still we wait.