Plog Number 16

Hello all, Happy Friday. I love these summer days of beautiful weather. Before and after work I walk around the yard and look at my blooming petunias, impatience, tiger lilies, hibiscus and hostas. It makes me very happy. I am hoping it sets me up for a better day every day.
I was coming home and listening to the radio and I heard about an Executive Order that Joe Biden has issued in response to the Dobbs case decision. He talked about the fix that women and providers are in right now. The Supremes seemed to have given VERY little thought to the fact that there would be immediate consequences of their partisan decision. Anyway Joe referenced some of the same things that we have talked about in earlier plogs. I love that we are united in our shared concerns. Then he stated that there would be federal safeguards for women in productive health emergencies. He said things like “what century are we in, its outrageous, I don’t care what your position is” He talked about the medical issues that the Supremes never seemed to consider. He even mentioned my favorite Clancy Thomas and how he wants to look at contraception among married couples. My post on “Who doesn’t want clean water?” talked about that.
Joe (yes I call him Joe) whispered for effect in part of his speech. I think that is why they erroneously call him sleepy Joe. But these are not the acts or words of a sleepy man. I think he talks softly and whispers for effect. Whether you like him or not he is educated, experienced and far better than 45 in the simple act of being a human being. I give him an A- for his work thus far. The minus is for not coming through on student loans. But his Infrastructure legislation, Covid handling, appointing 41 federal judges, many of whom waited for 45 to be gone before retiring, a halt on federal executions, Commitment to climate change, Support for Trans service members, and Reduction in unemployment to 3.9%. are all big success for us as Americans. He tried to get Voting Rights stabilized, but I feel he will try it again. He did save the soul of America from Anarchy! For that I am grateful.
We all know that Executive Orders are somewhat hollow but I appreciate the symbolism. It shows caring and concern and that means a lot. These orders do not overrule the Supreme Court or Congress. The checks and balances of government do not allow one branch to do much without a quorum. I remember in law school a lot of time was spent discussing the Judicial Review from the 1803 case Marbury v Madison. It held that the courts have the right of judicial review over anything that can be held up to the Constitution. As we see in present day, the court gets to review everything. But like many important issues that is not expressly written in the constitution either. However that does not stop this "Originalist" court from running wild with the idea when it suits them. Once again as in Plog number 5 titled Hypocrisy the Right has no problem with that when getting what they want.
Whatever the Executive Order accomplishes, I think it was nice that Joe took the time to go on national TV and explain it. I think sleepy Joe was showing that he knows and he cares. After all, when we are hurting, don't we just want to know that someone cares?