Plog Number 66
State Sanctioned Misogyny

Hello Ploggers, how are you all. We just came from dinner at a restaurant 🍴 famous for hiring ex-prisoners as the workers. We had the best service I have ever experienced and the restaurant is a 5 star French cuisine experience. The best part was spending time with people we truly love. Right now I am stuffed and content. But I keep hearing horrible stories about new ways that women are being treated and controlled. I will put a few of them here but know that there are always more and new things happening every day. I think it is important to shine a 🔦 light on these things. These acts are all a result of the Dobbs case which took away our right to control our bodies. Hold onto your hats 🎩 , some of these are ridiculous. This is government sanctioned 😢 misogyny.
Starting in Wisconsin, they are expanding their state ban on abortion. Their current law makes it illegal to perform abortion unless it is to save the life of the mother. They also have a 20 week prohibition. But that is just the start of the story. Someone in that state thought ahead and put a prohibition on medications 💊 routinely used in women's health services. For example they use Misoprostal to soften the cervix and to make it less painful to perform certain procedures. The medicine is also used for post partum procedures, induction of labor, management of spontaneous abortions and post partum bleeding. Misprostal was also used in elective abortions. Many medications have multiple uses, such as "Off label" treatments. Since this drug was used in abortions it is now banned for medical providers to use for any purpose. The doctors can not be trusted to not sneak in an abortion for old times sake 👀 . The State Legislators know better than the doctors. The hierarchy of care provision has been shifted dangerously from trained medical 👨⚕️ providers to non-medical legislators. This is the situation in Wisconsin and no doubt other states.
Lets talk about Alabama. They are handling matters in another way. They are locking pregnant women up to deter them from having abortions. They are doing this to protect their fetuses. A pregnant woman named Ashley Banks was jailed because she smoked 🚬 marijuana. She couldn’t get out of jail because that was conditional on her going to rehab. The rehab wouldn’t take her because she was not an addict, thus they mandated her to stay in jail. She has been in there for 3 months. Now in Ohio and Alabama it is still illegal to smoke recreational marijuana. The penalty in Alabama is up to 1 year in prison and a $6000 fine. In Ohio it is a Minor Misdemeanor and can involve 30 days in jail. Ohio has decriminalized simple use and possession of small amounts of marijuana. There is also an exception for medicinal use of marijuana. Alabama is using their laws to protect the rights of fetuses in spite of the rights of the mothers. They are being manipulative of these laws to suit the purpose of controlling women. Shame once again on Alabama.
Then there is Tennessee. They have a total abortion ban. This state is going after the doctors who provide abortions. Doctors can face up to 15 years in prison if convicted. The state provides no exceptions for rape incest or the lifesaving of the mother. This seems to be the strongest curtailment. If 👩⚕️ doctors are too afraid to perform abortion the subject is null and void. The doctor also faces double jeopardy by waiting until the woman is near death before acting to save her life. A Tennessee woman could be dying and in need of an abortion and no doctor will touch her. Will the doctors face lawsuit by the family if the woman dies because she didn’t get a simple procedure that could have saved her life? It sounds like an impossible situation to be a doctor within.
I am stunned by these states going full force into mis-using the rights that the Dobbs case gave them in such abusive ways. It’s like they were just waiting🕒 for the chance to control women. They seem to be sitting in committees dreaming up ways to further stick it to women. That is why we needed Roe v Wade to be codified. I hope that you all can see that. The Federal government needs to regulate this medical issue. The states are👎 horrible at this. Were the Supreme Court members so short sighted in their Pro Life frenzy that they saw no problems over the horizon of their Dobbs decision? The individual states are outdoing themselves in coming up with new ways to push back on women’s rights, health and lives. Not only can you not get an abortion, but you can be jailed and denied certain medical treatments at the whim of the state overriding the doctors. If the Supreme Court bans birth control and leaves it up to the states to enforce it, things could get even worse. I hope that the government will be willing to help take care of all of the babies 👶 that will be born from forced births.
Oh and BTW The Gubernatorial candidate for Pennsylvania Doug Mastriano has said that women seeking abortion should be tried for murder. That is a campaign promise he has yet to fulfill. Hopefully he never gets to. Extremist views like these put the target on the backs of women.
This post is longer than usual and I apologize for that. I predict more of the same kind of atrocities. I think it is better to shine a 🔦 light on them than to hide them. Information is so valuable. When we know more we can do better and this can help us to RECLAIM!