Plog Number 258
Karma, Irony, What Goes Around Comes Around

Hello Ploggers how are you. As my friend and I always say “Just keep swimming, swimming,🐠 swimming”. I hope you are all swimming along. I just finished practicing 🎹 piano and it always puts me in a good mood. I just played a 16th Century Italian Folk song and When the Saints come marching in. We are into Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lenten times of the year so the idea of playing the Bluesey, New Orleans style🎶 song fits right in.
The topic of tonight’s plog also fits in. I want to talk about two separate unexplainable events that may be tied together somehow. The first is the tragic shooting in Joel Osteen’s church down in Texas. A woman came in with her 7 year old son and announced that she had explosives and she had a gun. Her name was Genesse Ivone Moreno an she was 36 years old. She interrupted a Hispanic service which the church regularly holds and she carried an AR 15 Rifle with her. Off duty cops apprehended her and killed her and badly wounded her son. A tragedy for sure. Remember back to 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana? The Red Cross was busy trying to house people. Barbara Bush had said that the shelters were probably the “nicest” place they had ever been. A request was made to Osteen to use his mega⛪️ church to house desperate people. Osteen said NO. No to a desperate group of people stricken by a natural disaster under the control of God. Now a woman lost her life in his church with doors wide open. Osteen is a big 45 fan. Surely his church will be closed for awhile since it is now a crime scene.
The second situation involves the San Francisco 49ers. I remember back in the day when they had Joe Montana and they were winners. They won the Super🏈 Bowl in 1982, 1985, 1989, 1990 and 1995. Then in 2017 they dealt very poorly with Colin Kapernic. Kapernick who wanted to take a knee in solidarity for unarmed black men being killed by the police. He took his knee during the National Anthem. He was let go and has never been hired by another NFL team since then. Fast forward to now, the team made it to the Super Bowl and then lost in overtime to Kansas City. I saw a Meme where a lady showed Whoopi in the Color Purple saying with hand stretched out “Everything you got planned for me already done to you”. The point of the meme is nothing you do is going to turn out right until you do right by me. Suggesting that a curse was put on the 49ers. I remember that 45 was all over that knee situation and said “he should be find himself a new country”.
I don’t know anything about football. I do have many things that I believe in that might surprise you. I believe in Irony, Karma, Bad Jou Jou, the Golden Rule etc. There is no science behind it but it sticks. I think things come out in a way that equalizes everything. I don’t know how or why but some force is a great score keeper. My advice is to stay away from 45, be nice and RECLAIM!