Plog Number 345
Let’s learn more about Space?!?

Hello Ploggers, how are you. Where are you in the process of grieving for your future? Where are you in the fear of losing our Democracy? Where are you in the feeling of shock, disbelief, anger, hurt and casting blame? Are you in fear of losing more hard fought rights? I go from wanting to just hole up inside my life and never come back out to just wanting to give up. I have sought the solace of friends, family the internet. You name it, I have probably been there. I have not missed a day of work for two reasons. Number one, I need to 💰pay the mortgage and two, it is a legitimate distraction. My job forces me to really engage, since I do patient care. I would consider it a sin if I don’t focus on my patients. They deserve better than that. Also, I noticed that on the weekends when I have the free time I feel kind of lost. When there is nothing to do but think, it is depressing. I have made sure I am involved in a lot of social events. Keeping busy helps temporarily.
Let’s talk about the Star-link🚀 Satellite. Starlink is a satellite internet service operated by Space X, the company founded in 2002 by Elon Musk. Space X designs, manufactures and launches rockets and space crafts. Space X has🚀 launched over 3,000 Satellites into low earth orbit. Starlink primarily focuses on high speed, low latency broadband internet in remote and rural locations globally. Low earth orbit (LEO) requires the lowest amount of energy for satellite placement. The LEO region is an altitude below 2000 kms or 1,200 miles. There are many satellites in LEO. LEO Satellites are more accessible for crew and servicing. LEO satellites make close to 11.25 orbits daily. This is way more than I have ever known about satellites. But I think it behooves us to know more about them since they played a definite part in the past election.
I have heard that tallying the election votes in California and the Swing States was handled by the Starlink Satellite. Yes, the Satellite operated by Space X. Space X is owned by Elon Musk. I have no idea how this was allowed. I know that elections require help from private citizens/corporations to run smoothly. But a company owned by Elon(ia) Musk sounds very sus to me. I want to learn more about the Satellite business and just what part Starlink had in “handling” the votes. Don’t you? As an American I think we all have the right to know why this was ever allowed to happen. Did Starlink receive the votes and then were responsible for tallying them and sending them onto state boards of election. What was the process? Is there an investigation into this? Questions, we should all have questions!!⁉️
Do you remember the 45 Rally where Musk was seen💣 jumping onstage with his hands in the air? He was as jubilant as I have ever seen him. I instinctively feel that was the night that he learned that he was going to be able to influence the election with his Starlink Satellite. That was the day he knew how they could win the election for 45. Right?!? This info is very cursory. I am no space expert, but I am a research expert. If I can learn this much in one evening, what must Kamala Harris and our Government be doing right this minute. She is a career prosecutor and as the VP she has the FBI, NASA, FAA and more at her disposal. This is more than a conspiracy theory, this is factual. More to come. RECLAIM