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Lets talk...

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 68

Let’s Talk

Hello Ploggers, Happy Friday. I have just come from Line Dance so I am tired but energized. I think the definition of dance is something like moving rhythmically to the beats of music while following sequential steps. I love it. Dance is a way to feel good, exercise and enjoy music. So at any party, BBQ, wedding or gathering when the music comes on, onto the dance 💃🏿 floor I go.

A lot has gone on politically over the last few weeks and I want to catch up so here goes.

👎 Mike Pence said it was OK that the republicans may take a dump 🚽 this November because controlling the rights of women was worth it. He urged his party to keep up the fight. A fight that he has worked towards his entire career, He has publically toasted 🍹 the Supreme Court in their Dobbs decision. But he also calls his wife “Mother” so there is that. Maybe that is why the mob wanted to hang him???

👎👎 Lyndsay Graham felt the need to change course and call for a 15 week Federal Abortion Ban. He said that when the Republicans win the Senate that there will be a bill regarding this very issue. In the past he has said the issue should be decided by the States. Graham was inaccurate in calling a 15 week pregnancy “late term”. He offered no exception for fetal incapacity. B*tch 🐢 McConnell said he would not allow this bill to be heard. Lyndsay was disheveled and was scrapping when a woman confronted him about her painful experience with a flawed pregnancy. He blustered past her and did not acknowledge her anguish. Long story short, this man should NEVER be deciding any issues about women’s health. Thanks but no thanks Lyndsay. Please distract from your legal woes in Georgia via some other vehicle. I think its safe to say that he will never in his life have to worry about being pregnant or impregnating anyone ever.

👎👎👎 A slate of 22 Republican Governors wrote a letter to Smoking Joe Biden 😎 asking him to immediately reverse his decision of Student Debt Forgiveness. This move was really sneaky and low down. The States include: Ohio, Georgia, Texas, Florida, Iowa, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and Wyoming. SHAMEFUL that they would get together and try to prevent middle class, hardworking Americans from catching a break. I have already plogged about the Politicians and Corporations that received PPE loans and subsequent forgiveness. Hypocracy and again the Pot talking about the Kettle.

👎👎👎👎 Chief Justice Roberts took note of the way that the Supreme Court is perceived. He said that the Supreme Court is supreme and that they and their decisions should not be questioned. He added that they are the interpreters of the Constitution and Blah Blah Blah. When Supreme Court Justices do the following they are shady and open themselves up to be questioned:

  • Named in serious sexual harassment accusations (Thomas, Kavanaugh 💩 💩 )

  • Married to spouses who aid an insurrection at the Capitol (Thomas 💩 )

  • Lie on their confirmation interviews about important decisions and then rule in opposition of that lie (Barrett, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Gersich, Ailito, Roberts 💩 💩 💩💩 💩💩 )

  • Not recusing themselves in cases where they have a personal bias (Thomas 💩 )

  • Hypocritical rules used to appoint them such as denying Obama his pick because it was near the election, but pushing Amy Cunty Barrett💩 through just 12 days before the election.

  • When you belong to some off shoot religious group called "People of Praise" and you all live on the same block and espouse fundamentalist views about women (Barrett💩 )

For those and many other reasons the reputation of the court is sullied. Americans are observant. We see 👀 and we remember Chief Justice Roberts. Those are just a few things I wanted to plog about tonight. There is always more to come. RECLAIM!



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