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Life as it is

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 370

Life as it is


     Hello Ploggers, how are you? In my neck of the woods it is very❄️ cold, so we count it as a win to be able to stay inside with everything that I need. I worked from home today. I petted my🐱 cats excessively and took a🏨 nap. All the while, it was snowing and💨 blowing outside like crazy.

     I have been staying away from the national📰 news. I find it too depressing and too real. It also doesn’t help that I know that they are biased and funded mostly by Republicans. They offer me no hope at all. I recently have seen several TikToks where they say that their favorite part of 2024 was Kamala Harris because for a while we felt hopeful. It was nice to feel that. Now we bear down for the inevitable fall of our average everyday lives. It’s tough to have it thrust in your face how work a day the ultra-rich think we are. To them we are the working cogs that make this country function. We work for pennies and pay huge tax💲 burdens while the top 1% of billionaires grow richer and pay 0.5-1% of the tax burden😠 .

     I noticed that the country seems to be somewhat on🔥 fire as we get closer to the Inauguration. There are lone wolf attackers in New Orleans, Las Vegas, New York etc. Last month we had Luigi Mangione who became a national hero for killing n insurance CEO. Now there seem to be more and more disgruntled, Army Veterans, radicalized Isis soldiers and home grown terrorists. One thing that they do not seem to be is Immigrants to this country. Some of them are open 45 supporters. So it seems that instead of being happy and jubilant with him coming back into office, they remain unsatisfied and ready to act out.

     Many people have said that it will be a busy and😵 crazy time leading up to January 20, 2024. So each time I enter a crowded venue I have my head on a swivel. I never take for granted that people are OK, because clearly they are not. I wonder how things would have been if we had put Kamala Harris into office. I don’t think Democrats would go on a killing spree. In any case, I am thankful for each day I am given. It is a🎁 gift from God. I pray often for safety for my family and myself. I pray that all of us remain safe and live a life free of fear. Also, I believe it is a good time to lay low, be safe. RECLAIM!  




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