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Lyndsay Graham Sob Sob

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 154

Lyndsay Graham Sob Sob

Hello Ploggers, how are you. Spring is on the horizon and winter is giving way. Persephone is going back to live with her mother. I bought some grape🍇 vines and I put them in my room to keep them away from the cats. They are growing like crazy in there with the light. I am really enjoying having them in there. Grapevines make me feel nostalgic being from a grape growing area. Also there is something about vines reaching and spreading out that is very symbolic to me and in a good way.

Can we just talk about Senator Lyndsay Graham (R) South Carolina? He is just too much with his ranting and 😢 crying over President 45. I don’t believe for one minute that he is sincere. So WHY is he doing all the theatrics? He could just keep his mouth shut, right and behave as a dignified Southern man. I mean no shade about a man crying publically. I am way more evolved than that. But something about his ranting, cuffing and demanding people to give money to 45 seems fake and over done. As if it should be the burden of everyday people to help 45💵 pay for his lawyers. He went on to say that 45 has spent more money on lawyers than most people spend on campaigns. Cry me a river, please!! Most people don't spend money on campaigns, especially when they are struggling to🍳 eat. That is distinctly a politicians problem. If you don't have money to run, don't run. Oh and if you don't have money just pray for the Sniveling 45 Graham says. Don't pray for yourself or your kids or for your own financial issues. Pray for this millionaire to get off for his crimes or at least to help pay for his legal fees. Evangelicals should send their money to help defend the consequences of paying hush money to a porn star. Pony Up, People.

I just don't understand how Graham can get on National 📺 TV and ask people to give their hard earned money to a questionable millionaire. But as we have heard, 45 and his minions have raised over $5M. So it continues to be a thing to ask the poor to support the rich. I am going to quote LBJ again. He was born and raised a Southerner and understood the mentality. He said "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he wont notice you're picking his pocket. Hell give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." I cant help but think of 45, Graham and the like when I hear the dog whistles to the poor white population in this country.

Anyway, Lyndsay Graham is a basket 😰 case these days. I wouldn't mind the show of emotion, but he doesn't seem to emote over children gunned down in schools. He was ❄️ cold as ice when he was questioned about that and said "there is nothing we can do about that". Kind of lets you know where his strange little heart lies. Keep your 👀 eyes and ears open and RECLAIM!



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