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Male Enhancement

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 43

Enough with the male enhancement ads

Vulgarity Warning

Good evening everyone. Hope you all are well. I am going to write about some plain old sexually based inequities in our society. There are many but I want to focus on one particular thing right now. Every morning when I ride to work I have to listen to at least 3 back to back to back commercials about male enhancement products. They are all from the same company who obviously buys lots of air time on 93.1 FM. I listen to them in the morning because I like Rickey Smiley and his gang. I previously loved Tom Joiner and his gang and eventually learned to like Rickey. If you don’t know the station plays R & B and has great hosts including D.L. Hughley and Sam Sylk. Most of the DJ’s are upbeat and tackle political and show biz issues. So between the talk and the good music, it is right up my alley. I am starting to think that the target audience must have a notoriously floppy member problem. But again I digress. My main problem is the encouragement that men get to be bigger, last longer, please your woman more etc. It never used to be this open and blatant. While I have no problem with putting attention on a problem, I find it a little offensive in this time of the shrinking women’s reproductive rights. The two don’t go together very well. Where women are being told to keep their legs closed or have forced births, men are told “Be the stud that you are meant to be” and “Get it on”. There is never a mention about the responsibility for all of this enhanced pleasure. Much of it will be directed at women who will be impregnanted. As you have heard, contraception between married adults is being questioned. So I just think it would be responsible to slow the big “Male enhancement” talk. We already have enough unwanted pregnancies. Do we really need more.

It must be much more fun to be born a man than a woman. You can really make the most of your sex drive with chemical assistance as long as you don’t have a heart attack in the process. I remember when Pfizer first came out with Viagra there was a problem with men with pre-existing cardiac problems. Now the medicine comes with a warning for men who are on nitrites. The medicine is still costly and not covered by many insurance plans. But men are willing to pay for it out of pocket. SMH. Women on the other hand get advertisements for pads, tampons, and bleed-able panties 😵 . Pleasure is not a priority for women like it is for men.

The television commercials are a little more subtle than the radio ads. I just saw a commercial for a company that provides male enhancement services. They say that their fee covers the assessment, exam and blood flow ultrasound 😕 . Also that the charge covers 3 Tune Up Treatments 😮 . Sounds like a good deal if you need tuning up and such. But what bothers me is the fact that no responsibility is being placed on men for the forced births that will take place. I believe that if a greater than 6 week pregnancy is considered a life, child support and tax exemptions should also start at that time. Men should have to provide some emotional and financial support. If not, then all of the burden is on the woman 100%. Men get to enjoy themselves sexually but often ask for proof of paternity before they will commit. I started my Prosecutorial career doing Child Support. We dealt with the most delinquent deadbeats around. Those women were left with the full responsibility of their children as those Dad’s went around oblivious or non-concerned about the struggle. Men would quit jobs when they saw that their checks were being garnished. They would lower their own standard of living in order to avoid paying for their DNA matched children. SMH. But I said all this to say that women and men are unequally burdened in the realm of sexuality. I would love to hear less about the enhancement and more about women stepping up to RECLAIM their bodily autonomy.




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