Plog Number 73
Mike Pence, Bill Barr. Brett Farve

Hello Ploggers hoping that you are all well. I am genuinely curious about the workings of the minds of people who are in the news. I try to put myself in their 👟 shoes or at least try to understand what they are doing. I also wonder if they are even saying what they truly mean or if it is all just for publicity. There are many variables that we don’t have knowledge of.
I heard about a law in Indiana that has been challenged recently. In 2016 Mike Pence signed a law that required all aborted fetuses to be buried or cremated. Ohio has a similar law signed by DeWine shortly after in 2017.The Ohio law Senate Bill 27 requires any aborted fetus, zygote, embryo or blastocyte to be buried or cremated. These laws involve an increase in the costs of abortions. The cost to be borne by the woman or the facility that performed the procedure. They also infer that women are causing the death of a live human being. The psychological implications of laws like these are a strong deterrent to choice. The Ohio law has been challenged too. But Pence’s law was challenged and was recently struck down by Indiana Southern District Judge Richard L Young, ⚖️ A Bill Clinton appointee. The case held that the law infringed upon the free speech and religious rights of people who do not believe that aborted fetuses deserve the same treatment as deceased people. The Indiana case is likely to be appealed. Since the Supreme Court has already had their say in a woman’s right to choose, the matters are now being decided by the states. My question is will the lower courts duke it out with women’s reproductive rights? Will all 50 states have different rules? Is a matter as important as this to be left up to individual states to do as they please?
Over the last few weeks they have been showing an interview on Fox News. It is set up with Bill Barr in the middle. There are two Fox news casters on either side of Barr. Bill Barr has decided to open his mouth and tell the truth. He was blunt, he was truthful and he had an “Isn't it obvious” kind of attitude. WTF? I was stunned. But it was good to hear him being frank about his former boss. He is the first high level Republican to actually have enough nerve to speak publically, negatively and truthfully about 45. He said that 45 had no right to take the documents to his golf club. He also said that the DOJ was being jerked around by 45. He was unapologetic and gave his legal opinion on Fox just as if he was on MSNBC. Further he said it looked as though the DOJ had a good case based on their actions. He did none of the “How dare they raid the home of a former President” or “there will be Civil War if he is arrested”. He seemed resolute and done with pandering to 45. To be fair, Barr also told 45 at the time of the election, that he did not believe that there was any election tampering causing him to lose the election. He said that both publically and privately. So Barr is no angel. He covered for 45 as his Attorney General numerous times. Barr is no novice at this work. He was AG for H.W. Bush before he got entangled with 45. He was brought in to replace Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. (That is an honorary Civil War name if ever I heard of one). My question here is was Barr just trying to distance himself from the self-implosion of 45? Is he trying to save his own skin? Why is he speaking up now?
And then there is Brett Favre. Although he is a wealthy retired football 🏈 player, I honestly had never heard of him. I have often said that professional athletes are way over 💰 paid and I still hold to that opinion. Farve reportedly stole money from the State of Mississippi and their welfare system to build a volleyball arena where his daughter would play college sports. He was in cahoots with Mississippi Former Governor Bill Bryant and John Davis the former director of Mississippi’s department of human services. Although this info came out from text messages, no charges have been made against Favre. Favre has been sued by the state of Mississippi for speeches he never gave. $5 million was re-directed from federal welfare funds earmarked for temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Farve's net worth is said to be over 100 Million. So he had more than enough money to pay for a sports stadium. Why pay when you can get a deal that cheats the poorest of the poor out of their fair share? Favre has also reportedly paid back $1 million of the $5 million in question. So my question here is why is he paying money if he is innocent? And is this the Welfare💎 Queen that Ronald Reagan warned us about?