Plog Number 317

Hello Ploggers, how are you? I hope you are sailing🚢 along. Now that August is here we are in full summer mode with vacations, water play, summer picnics and foods. Many of us are goofing off and just trying to savor every minute. I am eating as much🍉 watermelon, potato salad and BBQ as I can get my hands on. Manga Manga!!
Some of the news stories I hear are almost unbelievable. Last week there was a National conference of black journalists held in Chicago. There was a lot of talk about it before it even happened. Some thought it shouldn’t have happened at all. Some didn’t want the journalists to give the platform to 45. I hated the idea of him getting the platform at all but I was willing to sit back and watch it. But that was before it happened. Now that it has happened I have many opinions. Let’s☕️ talk about it.
That meeting started out with an uncomfortable👏 handshake and ended with 45 walking off in a 💨huff. The meeting had to be ended early and abruptly. The feelings I had after watching it were multi fold. It felt like a weird deja vue for me. I have been dissed by white males in a public settings in the past. It also made me feel sad to see an open disrespect for black women once again. He didn’t even try to hide his disdain. Finally it made me feel good that the moderator had endured and suffered and gotten 45 to be triggered and to lash out and to show his true hateful colors. For that I was grateful that the interview happened. I felt triumphant for a nano second. I was pleased that people would see him for the person he is. So my 👾 feelings were all over the place after watching that interview. I saw all the commentators and news coverage of it and saw that many people had strong feeling about it too. It caused quite a stir in the political world. I would imagine that 45 and his team would label it as a huge success as they do with everything he does. Deep down they must know that it was not a success.
The main interviewer was Rachel Scott. 45 looked and acted as if he had no respect for her at all. She reached her hand out to shake his in an awkward stretch. It looked like he didn’t even want to touch her. Scott faced him with some strong questions about statements he has made in the past. She turned the🔍 mirror on him and then asked why black people should vote for him. That was all it took. He did everything including accusing them of being an hour “late”. He told them they were rude and didn’t greet him nicely. He accused them of being from "abc" since they are a fake news network in his opinion. He also accused VP Harris of lying about her race and suddenly turning black. He was rude, insolent and hateful. His hate was on display for the world to👀 see.
See what I mean about the news being unbelievable ? RECLAIM