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Nancy Pelosi

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 80

Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House

Hello Ploggers, Buenas Noches. I just came back from Line Dancing and I am energized like crazy. The work week is blissfully over and as far as I am concerned it is party time. On the way home from line💃 dance I heard an Oldie but Goodie song. School Boy Crush 🎼 by Average White Band. It has an awesome 🎸 baseline. I hadn’t heard it in years and I surprised myself by knowing all the words. Music is so healing! 🎶

Some things came out in the January 6 committee hearing that aired yesterday. One thing I have to say is how bummed I was to hear that 45 and his ilk knew that he would lose the 2020 election as early as June of that year. I also heard that they knew in October. They could have saved us so much anguish😓 if we knew early on that he would lose too. The wait and thought that he would possibly win was tortuous. And with all the unnecessary re-counts it seemed like it took forever 🐌 . It is amazing how they kept up the front that they would win in the face of defeat. Just goes to show how good of liars they are. That shows no respect for his supporters. He chose to manipulate and lie to them and really put them in harm’s way. The Big Lie was so aptly named by those who knew better. But that is another 45 story and I try to limit my precious time talking about him.

The second remarkable thing that came out was how much of a badass Nancy Pelosi is. I always knew she was shrewd and smart. She has been Speaker of the House two times and was the first woman to hold that position. Her place in history is cemented. She has represented San Francisco in Congress for 35 years. But now she has added another first to her record of enviable accomplishments. She voiced her desire to punch 💪 45 and happily go to jail for it. That was 💸priceless! She knew that her life was in danger and that 45 was the cause of it all. I am surprised that she spoke out in front of the 📷 camera or maybe a cell📱 phone but she did. I am thinking she had no regrets about it either. With 45 as lame duck on January 6, 2021, Pence in hiding for his life, she was technically the President Pro Tem at that moment. That is truly Bad Ass. The woman is 82 years old now and looks 60. So she was a mere 80 at the time she was talking about punching 45. I saw a picture of her in a halter 👙swimsuit taken earlier this year in Italy. The woman is fierce and I love it. Never underestimate the power of a woman. Let the woman have motivation, smarts, anger and a 🐃beef and you have a very formidable adversary. All of the gloves come off and the ladylike 💄pretense is gone. I remember that some of the insurrectionists got to her office and took pictures with their feet on her desk. Insurrectionist Richard Barnett even stole her 💻 laptop. Such low life thugs. After seeing some of these guys being interviewed, it is clear that they had help finding their way around the Capitol. I am waiting to see the tour guides names come to light and punishment to rain down on them. You don’t mess around in Nancy Pelosi’s office!!!

Pam’s Plog was developed for the purpose of reclaiming Reproductive rights of women after the leaked Dobbs decision came out. Each time I Plog it is for the empowerment of women. I admit to getting off on tangents here and there but my goal remains the same. Nancy Pelosi is Pro Choice and I feel that she is an asset in the journey. That is why this Plog about her. RECLAIM!



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