Plog Number 329
Amber Nicole Thurman

Hello Ploggers, how are you all? I saw where Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Georgia today to campaign and fundraise and to speak about an atrocity that happened in that state. Let’s get into it.
There was a beautiful young lady named Amber Nicole Thurman. She was 28 years old. She died August 19, 2022 just months after the awful Dobbs decision. She had a 6 year old son when she died who now has lost his mother. Many, including myself feel that she would have lived if she had been given the medical care she needed. Thurman wanted to go to nursing school but she found herself pregnant with twins. Her best friend drove her to North Carolina where she was given abortion pills from a clinic. The pills only partially worked. The pregnancy did not completely evacuate her body. This is why she ended up with life ending sepsis. Sepsis left untreated is a death sentence. They eventually did the needed surgery for this girl but she still went into organ failure, dropped her blood pressure and died.
The sad thing is that the doctors had the equipment and knowledge to save her life, but they were forbidden by law to use any of it. The doctors were under Georgia’s 6 week abortion ban and Amber was more than 6 weeks along. The criminal charges that could have been levied against the doctors was enough to induce their inaction. Now that we are at the 2 year anniversary of her death, many people are looking at Amber’s circumstances. Maybe in the hopes of coming up with a better way. Vice President Harris has stated clearly that her death was caused as a direct result of the Dobbs case. Also that the Dobbs case came along because of the actions of 45. I think she is right.
I have hope in a Harris Walz Presidency. Hope in women being able to reclaim our reproductive rights. Kamala Harris believes she can get Roe v Wade enshrined into law if we give her the legislative body and composition she needs. I have hope in that too. Nicole Thurman’s death was not in vain. Let's remember her name. RECLAIM!