Plog Number 366
Nikola Tesla

Hello Ploggers, how are you. I hope you are well. In todays Plog I have a chance to talk about one of my favorite summer activities and Elonia Musk, one of my least favorite people. I love a Twofer. Lets get into it.
Every year we have an All Nations Festival. Its in the Sculptural Gardens. They block off MLK Boulevard and lots of people come down for a good time. Every country is represented with a garden🌿 that must be tended to and which represents that country. It is a 10,000 step walking day easily. They sell foods, clothing, books and all things about any particular country. It is beautiful. One year I went with my family and we saw the Serbian garden. That garden was great. It had greeters and statues and busts of important people. Towards the end of the garden they had a bust of Nikola Tesla. He lived from 1856 to 1943. He was a Serbian-American engineer, physicists and inventor. He is known for the design of the modern alternating current electricity or the AC of ACDC. He invented the Tesla coil which was the first electrical system to use wireless transmission and is used in radio📻 technology. Tesla, although a genius, died of dementia. He had some peculiarities for sure. He became obsessed and some say in love with🐦 pigeons and he had an aversion to women wearing earrings. He never married or had any children.
Tesla’s name was used by Elon Musk for his electric cars because of his work in electricity. Tesla had nothing to do with these cars. Musk just appropriated his name. He also acquired the🚗 car company in 2004. Musk did not even start Tesla, but he was an early investor and eventually became the CEO. He did not invent electric cars or the AC design. He shrewdly took from others for his own profit. It’s the same with the Space X Satellites. He didn’t invent those either. He founded the company with 5 engineers in 2002. He poured millions into the company and watched it grow. From what I can see, he is a great investor. But he did not invent the Tesla cars nor the Space X Satellites. He owns the companies that make them.
I rarely do Plogs just to tear others down. But in this case it feels damn👍 good. RECLAIM!