Plog Number 21
Good Evening friends, hoping you are all well and finding the strength to get through each and every day with panache. I started this Reclaim Plog as a response to the Dobbs case and rights that were lost for every childbearing age woman. It put women in danger and it was not the will of the majority of the people. I saw a lot of gloom and doom ahead for many rights of Americans. Sometimes I try to joke about things to lighten the mood. I do that because I don’t think you want to read the rants of an irate woman kvetching every single day. Hence the post about Patrick Swayze yesterday lol. So know that I still see the abuses and I am still angry but I am also seeing some hopeful things on the horizon specific to reproductive rights. The first was the supportive speech that Joe gave stating the outrage that he felt over the current plight of women. I posted about it and it gave me hope in Joe's timely response. At the very least we have a President who gets it.
A second thing that I heard that made me perk up was the possibility of Codifying Roe V Wade by Federal Law. This type of legislation has failed in the past. In the 49 years that Roe v Wade was Precedent it was never protected or enshrined in a Federal Law. Big Mistake! Sixteen States and Washington D.C. have laws that protect the right to an abortion. After the Mid-term elections, things could change. With as few as six more blue senate seats the Filibuster won’t allow minority control anymore. Senators Sinema and Manchin will be irrelevant and I predict that Joe will be able to do his best work.
There is a third item that makes me hopeful. There is a little known Federal Law which protects the right to abortion. The Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act (EMTLA) from 1986 is still alive and well. The law provides that doctors provide care to pregnant patients experiencing medical emergency. The law provides protection for the doctors who perform lifesaving abortions. Previously I had heard of this law in relation to treating emergent patients regardless of their ability to pay. All patients have the right to be treated and stabilized before transfer to another facility. The law was to prevent discrimination for any reason. I think the law makes good sense and it is within the COBRA law from 1985. The law gives employees a chance to remain on employer health insurance after leaving employment for a limited amount of time. EMTLA was signed into law by Ronald Reagan in 1986. The law is very well settled and vetted over time. Obviously the main thrust of this law was not to protect the right to abortion but it is a viable way to help women in medical need.
So to say that I am not as bummed out as I was initially is true. I think we have a long way to go, but hope is on the horizon. Going back to life in the 1950’ is not a foregone conclusion. If we go, it will be fighting and screaming and raising hell all the way. I don’t think a poodle skirt and high heels while cooking dinner would suit most of us anyway.
Ta Ta For Now Reclaim