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Our Rights...:(

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog 282⚖️

Our Rights… :(...


     Hello Ploggers how are you. I hope you are fabulous as you deserve to be. I think of us collectively as women and the rights that we have lost and are continuing to lose. In the words of Marvin Gay, its enough to 🎶make you want to holler🎶”. What am I talking about? The actual act of saying “Goodbye to more and more of our personal rights. I find it quite sad. I would never have dreamed that we as women were so important and that we were so targeted. We as women and our little 2 ounce (non-pregnant) uteri are very important in the grand scheme of things.

     As of June 24, 2022 when the Dobbs decision was announced, we lost a huge 50 year old right to choose and to control our bodies. We have all talked, thought and “Plogged” about it. We have seen negative repercussions from the decision. Women have been abandoned by medical🏥 providers and left to die. Providers were afraid to do their sworn duty to save🏥 lives. We have seen a woman in Ohio be arrested for miscarrying after she tried to flush the embryo down the 🚾 toilet. We have seen different states take the decision even further. Some states have outlawed abortion no matter the circumstances. As of June 2022, 15 states had no exceptions for rape or incest. The states are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Ohio now has legalized abortion due to a Judge in Hamilton County and a ballot initiative that enshrined abortion rights in our constitution. Shout out to Judge Marion Jenkins of Hamilton County.

     Now we see Alabama going after In Vitro Fertilization. That state decision has caused countrywide havoc for women. Clinics all over the country have stopped assisting couples with IVF. The Alabama controversy come about because someone felt that the unused embryos held the status of “babies”. So that was a problem for IVF because couples were destroying the embryos once they had as many children as they wanted. So now that decision will probably make its way down to the not so Supreme⚖️ Court. Looking at their current composition, I shudder to think what their decision will be.

     It looks like the trajectory is going ↘️downhill for women. We seem to be just as despised as women in the Middle East, Arab and African countries. Men have obviously always wanted to control us and now they can. We voted people in, who took our right away from us. We had them, and now we lost them to Theocracy and Conservatism. We may never get them back. The tide has turned away from us. Right now it’s hard to be hopeful but still RECLAIM.      



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