Plog Number 211
Peace and Safety

Hello Ploggers, how are you. I am sending you all Peace and Safety. I feel that these are grim days and I don’t want to wallow in it so I have decided to write about it. My Plogs are if nothing else are self purging and catalytic for me.
Yesterday a 21 year old white male decided that he hated black people so much that he went to a Dollar Store and shot 3 black people. He had a Glock and an Automatic rifle. He had expressed to his parents (whom he lived with) and to others that he wanted to kill black people so badly…and he did. He had gone to a historically black college first and found no one there. Then he put on his Kevlar vest and went to the Dollar Store and opened fire. Victims had no warning at all. They were with their families, shopping and spending their Saturday as any other. I myself was at our local Family Dollar. I am definitely thinking twice about going back there. A copy cat killer could be planning his next killing spree.
I am wondering about his family life. I wonder if he family raised him on hate. Either that or he was an outlier in his family. Fifty fifty chance on that one. If they indeed raised him on hate, they may be regretting that because now they have lost their son. Ultimately, they are grieving victims too. In the case of this kid, Ryan Christopher Palmeter he has amplified white hate and racism for all to see. Since the young man is dead, they authorities are not hesitating to use the Hate Crime pursuit of the case. I believe that if he had lived they would not have used it. They would have said that the young man was mentally ill and given him an insanity defense.
De Santis gave a brief speech condemning what the shooter did “in the harshest ways”. But I believe that if the kid had lived, he would have soft pedaled the whole incident. The case was so clear cut that it was racially motivated, that even he felt he had nothing to lose by condemning it.
So for these recent senseless deaths I am wishing us all peace and safety. All this while trying to make sense of it all, with none to be found. RECLAIM