Plog Number 71

Buenas noches ploggers. Did I say that I am passionate about learning new languages? I am over a year into learning Spanish on Duolingo. I have also tried to learn a little Arabic. My friend Halla has helped me. That one is harder. I also got my Covid Booster shot💉 today. It is a Bivalent, Omicron, BA-1 Pfizer wonder shot. It is supposed to protect me from everything Covid. I do not believe that Covid is over and I will still do vigilant hand washing and social distancing. It is just the way it is for me now.
But I wanted to talk about a very personal issue that I want to use as a learning experience for all of us. No doubt we all heard the Latitia James Press Conference where she announced her charges against 45 and his three kids. The State of New York will be asking for $250 million 💵 dollars in restitution for years of tax fraud as it related to his Real Estate holdings. It looks really bad and I will be closely watching how it develops. But that is not all I want to talk about. Last night I told my daughter that in many households across America people would be calling James the N word and other derogatory racial slurs. I could just feel that. Because I know how racist name calling goes first hand. Later I saw a piece on social media where it was stated that 45 had called James “Peekaboo” on Truth Social. Hold the phone ☎️ this requires discussion in my Plog.
As a kid I attended a white, rural school in Northeast Ohio. I was the only child of color, as were my siblings in their classes. There were 9 of us so we had each other. At the start of each school year, I was called Jigaboo, Coon, Nigger, Sambo, Tar Baby, Jungle Bunny, Casper, Spook etc. You get the picture, everything but a child of God. Coming back to present day, what is the significance of Peekabo? Right along with Tar Baby, racial insults were aimed at the darker skinned blacks. Only the whites of the eyes of a very dark skinned person could be seen in darkness ha ha. That is part of the “humor” in Black Face and Minstrel shows. So when 45 called Latisha James," Peekaboo", he was calling her black, unable to be seen with her eyes 👀 closed, Spook or Jigaboo. It is another time when he used racist “dog whistles” to go under the radar so that he cannot be called an outright racists by those who do not know. But for those who do know, it is a racial slur plain and simple. It is just like the slogan Make America Great Again or MAGA. That is an old KKK slogan. For the life of me I cannot understand people of color following 45. His choice of Peek a boo brought me back to being back in first grade. The feeling was exactly the same. Time travel 🚄 is indeed possible through emotions.
I made sure my daughter was raised in a diverse community. She said she never experienced the name calling that I did and I am happy about that. She seemed sad that I had to endure that and said she didn't know about it. I don't usually talk about it. But she did kiss me good night ♥️ and fired up my aromatherapy💓 machine in my 🏩 bedroom that night. I felt her empathy for my child hood pain brought back by a present day monster. What a great 💓 daughter I have.
As much as I dislike 45 and his ilk, I am happy to see him so upset that he would go all grade school name calling. He saw the charges and was probably enraged even more since it came from a black 💆🏿♀️ 👩⚖️ woman. Last week his plea deal was turned down by James. So it looks like she has a good case. She is my hero 💪🏿. But no matter what he felt, he allowed his racism to rise to the surface and come out of his foul mouth for all of us to see. We should all take big note of the fact that he called Letitia James the same type of names I was called as a kid by other kids. The only difference is that we were little kids. 45 is a Septuagenarian, Ex-World🌍 Leader with a large following of people of all races. SMH.
There is nothing that I find reclaimable about 45. I consider him as a bad dream that we can’t seem to wake up from. But I was able to reclaim my pride and even had fun and made friends with some of those kids. Life is a strange thing and kids are forgiving. Look at the two in the picture above, they love each other. Be kind to each other, but keep your eyes and ears open to what people do and say and RECLAIM.