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Petition Signatures

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 187

Petition Signatures

Howdie Ploggers. How goes the day? I hope you are loving life. I was fortunate enough to visit with many friends and co-workers today. Work friends are some of the best friends ever. You work in the trenches together day in and day out, week in and week out. It forms a special bond. I am fortunate to have the work 💛 friendships that I do.

In a few days, I will be turning in my petitions. I got some from 3 different counties. It was a challenge for me to leave my comfort zone but I did. I was talking to my nephew yesterday about my shyness/weirdness when it came to asking for signatures. My nephew is the boisterous type. He said I should have been at public events asking people. He was right, but I learned to do what I could. I learned some things about myself and I think that is always a good thing. Also all the public events were crowded with people who were circulating the exact same 📝 petition. Most of my contemporaries had already ✏️ signed.

I feel great about cutting away at the burden of needed signatures. With enough signatures, Ohio will have the right to vote on Reproductive Rights for Women. Once the petitions are counted for the state, and we meet the threshold, we vote on the issue in November. I am picturing us to go the way of Kansas and Michigan. Most recently I have seen that conservative Iowa had a state Supreme Court decision that enjoins enforcement of their 6 week ban on abortion. This leaves their current time frame at 20 weeks. Ohio has had the similar course of events. Thanks to Hamilton County Judge Christian Jenkins, Ohio has a 21 week and 6 day law which also enjoins enforcement of the 6 week trigger ban that went into place after Roe was overturned. So until and unless it is over turned, the case⚖️ law presides over the statutory law. That is a victory right there!

So the states are doing what they are supposed to do, on marching orders from the stacked 😈Supreme Court. The states are individually working on the issue. Different states will go in different directions. The issue will be as varied as each state. In many red states, women will not have access. They may even face criminal sanctions. So in my state, I will fight for Reproductive Rights. In your state, you may already have them👍. And in other states it is being outlawed with no voting 💩option. Without any federal protections, the States will determine the issue. When the issue goes to a popular vote, abortions have remained legal. Remember that the majority of Americans want safe abortions. It is the Republicans who may want it for their own personal lives, but want to control the access of others 👎. Ponder that!?! Oy Vey, we must keep on fighting and RECLAIM!



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