Plog Number 384
Post Inauguration

Hello Ploggers, how are you? As I write this, it is January 20, 2025 and it is Inauguration Day. When I publish this it will be post Inauguration. I am guessing that most of us will make it intact. If you look at the 2 pictures above, you can see Americans making it through rough times with dignity and alcohol. For the next 4 years, we will do the same. I am making it my business to not watch any📰 news today. I don’t want to see even a peep of 45 and his ilk getting sworn in. I need to see the weather report, but that can wait. From what I can see, it is❄️ cold and frigid and weather not to go out in. My worry is about getting to work tomorrow.
As I think of all the fears I have in a Trump 2.0 administration, it fills me with😵 anxiety for myself and the kids of the future. Tax burdens will go up🔼 for even the poorest of us, while diving downward🔽 for the ultra-wealthy. I fully believe that we will go from living in a free democracy to an American Oligarchy. I can see that Billionaires with no idea how “we” live, will run it. The cabinet seems to be filled with the most incompetent people available. I believe that they all will be appointed as requested. Our Senate has no power to stand up to 45. They may lead us astray internationally and who knows what Military secrets have already been purchased about us. So things may not be very promising. I guess time will tell.
I feel like I am in a news deficit with the temporary take down of Tiktok. I deleted the app and I cant get it back. I have a massive distrust for the legacy news, so I don’t watch them anymore. Every news outlet seems to enjoy forcing 45 down our throats and I am in no mood for that. I listen to blips from NPR while in my car. Each story is more appalling than the last. Their reporting is detailed and the reporters seem to be physically close to the actions they report upon. I like that.
So, here is to happy times, self-care, minding your own business and only caring about things that you can actually have an effect upon. Being upset by things you have no control over seems like the definition of pain and drama. These are my new “to live by” philosophies. RECLAIM!