Plog Number 296
Put the Genie Back in the Bottle

Hello Ploggers, how are you. Here we are enjoying an 80 degree spring day. I thought it was beautiful. Work consumed some of my day, but not enough to be problematic. It is early in the planting season but I have already planted my summer 🌹 annuals. I go out and check on my flowers and to 🌊water them every day. They are getting lots of🌞 sunshine. The only possible problem is a potential frost before Memorial Day. I am hoping that the frost stays away.
I have been watching some of the goings on in Columbus, Ohio. Governor De Wine is trying to pass a bill that would not allow kids to have cell📱 phones in school. I think he has gotten it passed and now it is being enacted. Kids from all ages will probably have to turn their cell phones in to the teacher before they enter class. I get what he is trying to do but I doubt that it will work. He seems to be trying to return to a more innocent time when we were not all obsessed with our phones. But can he really do this? I doubt it.
When my daughter was in school she used her phone throughout the school day. In many instances with the blessing of the teachers. They would ask the kids to look things up on their phones which seems to be a legitimate use. Some teachers would allow the more easily distracted kids to use their phones to listen to soothing music. This was a helpful tactic for those kids. My daughter had anxiety and this helped her to concentrate. Earphones👂 and plugs are comfort items for teenagers. Living in a post Covid world we have had to do things to make school tolerable for our kids. Allowing them to have their cell phones is one of those things.
Kids are smarter on their phones than their parents will ever be. I believe they are going to go further technologically than we ever dreamed of. They may just need their cell phones to do that. Not to mention that Ohio has had its share of school threats, shootings and life altering emergencies. I personally would want my child to have a phone in any of those situations. I think every parent would want that. Ohio is an open carry state. No permit is required to carry a gun and we have had our share of school shootings. In a school shooter situation, I would want my child to have their phone. So just as he was out of touch with the Abortion and Issue 1, he is out of touch with the phone monsters in our schools. There is probably no going back. Reclaim!