Plog Number 280
Put Up or Shut Up

Hello Ploggers, how are you. This Plog I going to practically write itself. Some things are so strongly in my mind I can put it on paper very easily. Lets talk about all of the people that 45 has publically shamed. Not only has he publically shamed them but they in turn have said nothing to defend themselves or denounce whatever he said about them. Some made small attempts without success. On top of that they continue to publically support and praise him. So as you can see this list will be lengthy. I will try to find identify these people as well as the exact quotes. I will call this the put up or shut up list. The put up portion is supplied by President 45. The shut portion is the silent response. So here we go in no particular order.
Marco Rubio Little Marco Rubio “He wanted a full-length mirror. Maybe to make sure his pants weren’t wet” “Little Marco Rubio is just another Washington D.C. politician that is all talk and no action” I’ve never seen a human being sweat like this man sweats…it looked like he had just jumped into a swimming pool with his clothes on (Trump then splashed water onstage yelling, “It’s Rubio!”
Ted Cruz Lying Ted Cruz “Your wife is ugly” “Your father helped Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK. Be careful Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife Heidi a former investment manager at Goldman Sachs. He also posted a side by side picture of Heidi Cruz and Melania Trump to further emphasize his point.
Lindsey Graham 45 gave out Grahams personal cell phone number to a crowd in South Carolina.
Steve Bannon “Sloppy Steve, cried when he got fired, begged for his job. Has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone, Sloppy Steve, Leaker, Sloppy Steve Bannon
Ben Carson incapable of understanding foreign policy, very weak on illegal immigration. Pyramids built for grain storage-don’t people get it? Many lies by Ben Carson, Very weak on illegal immigration has never created a job in his life (well maybe a nurse)
Mitch Mc Connell He must have a death wish voting for Democratic sponsored bills. And he has a China loving wife "Coco Chow". An obvious mispelling and racist comment of his former Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chou.
Tim Scott Calling Scott out on his non-support or Nimrata Haley. "You must hate Nikky Haley, isnt she the one who appointed you?"
It seems that the people he insults become so emaciated they just succumb and are officially “jumped in”. They probably hope that if they remain quiet and supportive and sycophantic they will be safe from any further insult. A few of these guys tried a brief and unsuccessful Clap Back. But they soon were overtaken by a big boisterous bully. Oy Vey RECLAIM!