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Rights, rights where are our rights?

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plug number 9

Hello everyone. I hope all are well. I have been incensed by listening to some news outlets and social media. Some people will say “Well just don’t listen to it” I can’t do that. Can you? I admit that the news is probably filtered and “dumbed down” for us. But much of the news is recorded live as it happens by everyday people. Also we have competing news outlets. They are pushing their agendas but they also want viewers. They set up news stories that cater to their viewers whether Liberal or Conservative. I think that our news is good enough for us to watch it and pick and choose what we believe. Many of us are smarter than the average bear. Nevertheless I believe we are getting much better news now than when I was a kid.

But my rant for the day is over the infringement of rights that I am hearing about in real time. With all the Supreme Court changes, things are in a frenzy of adjustment. Medical providers are caught in the middle. I read about a woman with Psoriatic Arthritis a painful and chronic condition. The evidence based treatment for it involves a drug that compromises fertility in women. The drug is called Methotrexate and it is in the DEMARD class. From what I could tell she was denied the medication. Now that is a clear over reach of the Dobbs case. As an FNP I know that medical treatments are tied to ICD 10 and CPT 2 codes. In other words if you have the billable diagnosis you deserve the treatment and for it to be paid by your insurance. Denying anyone the right to medical treatment is an actionable breach. The Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe has caused women way more problems than denying the right to abortion. I believe this scenario is not unique to this one person. I suspect that a man who needed this medication would have no problem getting it. Double Standard Alert!! I wonder if a post-menopausal women could get the medication. Are they going to deny Chemotherapy for cancer patients? We know that Chemotherapy can cause an early menopause. So many questions. We can’t take the answers for granted anymore.

I also heard about certain States trying to get ahead of women traveling to other states for abortions. Since every State now has the right to decide the issue of abortion, women are at their State’s whim. It will be so arbitrary. Just what the Roe holding was trying to avoid. I can see people needing to travel for abortion. Yet this is only those women who have the financial means to travel. Impoverished women will be stopped just by the prohibition. Prohibiting travel for abortion takes aim directly at white women of means. However the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution allows us to travel from state to state with certain guarantees. We all know that we can travel within the United States. But I remember in law school studying the Interstate Commerce and Full Faith and Credit clauses of the constitution. The states are all connected in many legal ways. We can have an Ohio driver’s license and use it in Pennsylvania and it is legal. We can reside in Arizona and purchase items from California. We also can be guilty of crimes in one state, cross the line into another and be charged federally. It will be interesting to see how far the Pro Life State legislators will go to strip rights from women. It is all in the hands of the States now. Now do you see why I have rights on my mind?

Until next time.



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