Plog Number 293
Sex Sex Sex

Hello Ploggers’s how are you? I think it is amazing how fast this year is going. I am really enjoying it but it makes me to want to enjoy every minute. That is not a bad thing. We should all have more Carpe Diem in our lives.
I recently did a Tik Tok about the fascination with sex as it pertains to President 45. Admittedly the man has had a very public and salacious sex life. To me it is disturbing to think of him in a sexual way but it seems impossible for the news cycle to run without mention of it. When I think of this I have to turn the clock back several years and picture a younger version of him. Presently he is 77 years old and probably suffers from some E.D. There is also the diapers that he most probably wears. So in present day, I doubt that he is a sex machine. I also can’t see Melania allowing him to touch her these days. She seems to be at the top of the list of people who can’t stand him. After all he is currently defending a law suit that puts him in the middle of a love affair with a porn star while she was pregnant with their👶 son.
We also know about the civil case with E. Jean Carroll where he was found liable of sexual assault. That is equivalent to rape in the criminal world. That is now settled law. He has been found liable and a huge judgment has been issued against him. Then there was the case involving Stormy Daniels and their affair. She was a blonde porn star and she has been talking about their time together. She was paid $130,000 in hush money in the fall of 2016. On to Karen Mc Dougal who is a former Playboy model. She says that their affair started in 2006 and happened many dozens of times up until 2012. Some💲 payments were made to her too. There are rumors about the beauty👑 pageants that he owned and controlled. It is alleged that he walked in on the contestants in various states of undress numerous times. Then we have the Billy Bush Access📼 tape where he bragged about being able to grab women by their P*ssy because he is a🌟 star. There, that is a lot of sex. And that is just what I know of.
So the sex that was had by this man was a lot. It didn’t appear to hurt him in the election. It may have even helped him. People seem to admire a horn🐶 dog. They say things like “boys will be boys” and “we all make mistakes” Evangelicals staunchly support him. Prominent ministers like Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland stick close to 45 and avow that he is a blessing who was sent by God. Unbelievable.
My own personal religious upbringing was very Fundamentalist ⛪️Pentacostal. The women were chaste, they wore long dresses and wigs and closed toed shoes. There was never a hint of feminine sexuality from them. I remember the one lady saying she wouldn’t be with a man unless God himself sent one to her. She never married by the way. But this very woman and her sister went to a 45 Rally to see and hear him speak after knowing of his sexual proclivity. This was shocking to me. How could such a “holy” woman support such a cad? How could a sincere woman of God like such a horn dog? How indeed? The common denominator is the sex.
They are all attracted to the sex and the sex talk. The ministers, the evangelicals, the politicians and the “holy” women from my church. It is clear to me now looking back. But the sex sells. By the way, when my church ladies went to the event in their traditional big wigs and long skirts they were positioned directly behind the podium so they could easily be seen in the midst of a white crowd wearing red hats and blue👖 jeans. They even gave them signs to hold up. They must have really stuck out. He used them as♜ pawns and they were fine with it. Still shaking my head on that one. RECLAIM!