Plog Number 305
Sex Sex Sex

Hello Ploggers, how are you? Hope you are enjoying the hot days of summer. My lawn is already 🌾 crispy just as it usually is in August of the year. I don’t care though, because I am an Ohioan and I feel like winter lasts a very long time. I love to wear shorts, tank tops and flip flops👡. That is my national summertime outfit. I hope you have one and are wearing it too.
Another thing that is hot is the stories that emerge about 45 and many of those who are around him. Think of Jeffrey Epstein, Gillaine Maxwell, the Civil case with E. Gene Carroll. Stormy Daniels, Karen Mc Dougal, grabbing women by the pussy, etc. I could go on and on but it is sickening. I am disgusted to hear yet another story about him in that way. This time the story is somewhat dated by 35 years but still has a direct tie to 45. Have you heard about the spiritual advisor to 45 named Robert Morris? He was the Pastor of a Mega Church in South Lake Texas. He just recently resigned from the Gateway Church last week and admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a “young lady”. After that it came out that it was actually child sex abuse. The abuse occurred in the 1980’s and the lady was 12 years old. The abuse lasted from 1982-1987. The victim has spoken out about her abuse. Morris was 20 years old and married at the time. He served as spiritual advisor to 45 during the 2016 and 2020 elections.
Morris was staying at the house of his victim and has said that the girl cast a spell of Jezebel upon him. That made me think a lot more about the story. I thought back to when I was 12 years old. When I was 12 I had just barely started having periods. I was in 4H for sewing and horseback🐎 riding. I was in 6th grade and Mr. Mc Nellie was my teacher. I was into the farm animals and my family. At school I loved to swing and slide around on any playground. I don’t think I would have been able to cast a spell of Jezebel upon anyone. The victim Cindy Clemishire now 54 made her allegations public in the last week. She says she feels that there may be more victims. She is happy that he is no longer a pastor but feels he should have been terminated and not allowed to resign. Morris has said that “since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area.”
Thinking back to when I was 20 years old. I would have been disgusted by the thought of having sex with a 12 year old. Beyond that mis-match in age difference, there is the fact that Morris was a married man. The story is sickening. It once again demonstrates how the inability of men being able to control themselves causes misery on an expansive level. Additionally the desire for men to have sex with children is as old as the earth and it has got to stop. Why are men aroused by children versus fully grown and legally aged women? The victims are scarred for life and often lead tragic lives. The men usually go on and lead successful lives such as with Morris becoming a spiritual ✝️advisor similar to Billy Graham and Pat Robinson.
So I am once again wondering how the Evangelicals are so taken with 45. Although he is not a sexy man, he is obsessed with sex. All I can say it Give it a rest Old Man…RECLAIM!