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So what is next New York District 3

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 247

Revenge Tour

Hello Ploggers, How are you? I hope that you are enjoying the holiday season because it has already started. My family and I are making plans to go see light❇️ shows at the zoo and the botanical gardens. The time will go fast, but I intend to enjoy it.

This picture depicts a balloon that was flown above the capital by people of District 3 of New York. It was like their mascot and it worked. The people of that district deserve better than what they got. I was watching the news today and a politician was being interviewed and I liked the answer she gave to a specific question. The interviewer asked her about the George Santos Expulsion. The woman took a long breath and said, I want to put this in the rear view mirror. "Its done and it was overdue and we need to move on". I agreed with that sentiment. I really do but it was nice to see it finally happen. I personally was not sure that they would actually do it. But alas, through his own greed and avarice he made it easy for his colleagues to vote yes, even without a conviction. I wanted him out even before we knew of the House Ethics report. But that is just me.

But the State of New York will have to hold a special election to fill the spot left by Santos. Many candidates are lining up to win his vacancy. I think that anyone would be better than him, but that anyone running should be thoroughly fact checked and vetted before a vote is cast. As we learned PEOPLE LIE! They lie all the time to trick the electorate, to gain favor, for privilege and financial 💲gain, for power and on and on.

Santos has promised to expose lots of Congressional secrets now that he has been ousted. He says that the ouster is a badge of honor. He has mentioned sexual escapades, insider training and Soap Opera behavior that takes place behind closed doors. I personally will not read a book or expose written by him. To me he is a joke. Any members of congress who were foolish enough to expose anything they did in front of him were foolish indeed. Its kind of like exposing your weakness to the guy who is going to jail. He already has nothing to lose. In this case Santos may very well be headed towards jail. But for sure his credibility is not there. I saw a recent interview with a woman known for her toughness. He laughed and told half truths the whole time. He actually said that "we" the American people can not get enough of him. So Delusional!

I am looking for a list of candidates for his District 3 seat. When I find one I will re-visit them in another plog. I am curious to see if a Republican or a Democrat replaces him. I lean towards a Democrat because I am one, but I really don’t care who it is. The point was not to reduce the Republican leadership by one. The point was to expel a liar and now that has been done. Lets sit back and watch what New York District 3 will do to right this wrong. RECAIM!



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