Plog Number 88
Some Raised Eyebrow Election Concerns

Happy Weekend Ploggers! I hope you are enjoying yours as much as I am enjoying mine. 3 more days until the election and things are becoming more and more clear to me. As I look at the National Politics I see cause for a lot of concern. Let me explain so you can either verify or disagree with my thoughts.
It seems obvious that 45 is busy trying to install his minions into select elected positions. I think he is doing this to have more loyal allies in Congress. Power, Power, and more Power. Pretty strategic! Of course he wants to be our President again. He has selected many candidates across the country and backed them for high office. Look at the State of Georgia. Herschel Walker has lived in the State of Texas since 2011. But he transferred to Georgia and is now running for senate in the State of Georgia. It is also notable that he had no prior political experience yet ran for a US Senate seat. That is surely a bad sign. Not to mention his embarrassing diction. I have respect for people speaking with different accents and dialects. However Walker speaks as if he is poorly educated and a person that 45 would love. So I am questioning the legitimacy of the Hershel Walker candidacy. In this case my support is for Pro Choice Candidate Reverend Ralph Warnock an experienced and proven Senator.
Another suspicious pseudo Candidate is from Ohio. JD Vance was born in Ohio but he moved to San Francisco for many years. He moved back to Ohio and is now a 45 endorsed Senatorial candidate also with no previous experience. His opponent is an experienced US Congressman and a Pro Choice Democrat Tim Ryan. Vance is outweighed by Representative Tim Ryan in many ways. Vance shows loyalty in a sycophantic way to 45 even in the face of insults. A current commercial in Ohio shows Ryan pointing out Vance’s duplicity when he said he compared 45 to Hitler and then puckered up to him. It is an entertaining 😂 commercial for sure. My support and vote is for Pro Choice Candidate Tim Ryan.
Then there is Dr. Mehmet Oz. He has residences in several states except for the state which he is running for Senate, Pennsylvania. His opponent is Democrat Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman who suffered a stroke in May of this year. Fetterman commented that he is getting better every day but Oz will still be a fraud in January. He is right! Strokes have a recovery period. I saw him on The View yesterday and he was spot on. His speech was clear and his ideas were Pro Choice. Dr. Oz suggested that women make their health choices after consulting with their local politicians. WTF!! Hold the ☎️ Phone! What local politician wants to hear about women’s reproductive issues? More importantly, what woman wants to discuss that with a local 👎 politician? Dr. Oz is Pro Life and even worse he is pro 45. Oprah Winfrey has come out in support of John Fetterman. My support is also for Pro Choice Candidate John Fetterman.
So why has 45 chosen these 3 and more candidates? He took the time to relocate them into the states where he wanted them. He may have wanted to show his might in the political world. In Georgia I think he wanted to put a black candidate against to Warnock. Whatever the purpose, it is surely suspect 💩 and creepy. Make no mistake that Georgia, Ohio and Pennsylvania are powerful 💪 swing states. It is a strategy that could benefit 45 if he ever gets near the White House again. Now do you see why I have concerns? Hold on to your 🎩 hats and RECLAIM!