Plog Number 52
Stuck in the Middle With You
(Time stamp: 0:31)
Hello Ploggers, Happy Weekend. It was a family weekend for me. We had a death in the family and it turned out being a family reunion two for one. I personally think that is a good thing when things happen to see loved ones and share the hurt together, eat a big meal, tell family stories and take photos before scattering to the four corners of the earth. It marks the official start of the grieving and healing process.
Does anybody remember the song Stuck in the Middle With You by Steelers Wheel? " Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you"🎶. That lyric captures some of how I feel about 45. My daughter helped me to add this song to my post via some kind of cloud. I hope you can play and enjoy it. Her tech saviness knows no limits LOL.
What I want to Plog about tonight is the steady diet of 45 that we are all on whether we like it or not. I remember seeing the Republican candidates on stage standing in a semi-circle early in that Party nomination race. There was Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul. John Kasich and so on. 17 candidates turned into 45, pun intended. We have been on this awful diet since 2015. We watched as he made fun of the handicapped, bragged about grabbing pussy and go on to win the Presidency. We rejoiced in the streets when he lost the 2020 race and we waited for the lawsuits to commence. He made up the Big Lie and tried to overturn a free and fair election. And he incited a violent, treasonous coup on the Capitol. Many lawsuits have started now and we are getting to see some accountability for his illegal acts. That is an extremely satisfying thing to see. But part of me would like to be able to just change course and hear about someone else in the news cycle. Early on, he bragged about the free news coverage. It reminds me of a kid who is mis-behaving. Some kids thrive on the negative attention. We have all seen kids having a tantrum and while in the midst of it they look up to see how many people are watching them 😭. That is what this feels like. Then there is the threat that 45 makes to run for President again in 2024. That is clearly to keep “the libs” fired up. 45’s best trick is to stay in the media. He is a media whore. He even has me plogging about him. Taking our eyes off him feels dangerous because who knows what he will do next. He has been shown to be a clear and present danger to others. You cant ignore somebody like that. His fall into irrelevance is taking way too long if you ask me. Enough already 😬 !!!!
So based on the above, I feel like we are stuck. I plan to limit my plogs about him unless something really juicy happens, and it will. Ironically, 45 was used in his presidency too. He was used by B*tch McConnell to get the Supreme Court picks that they wanted. He delivered on that and I know that B*tch is virtually done with him. I bet he wont even take his calls. But publically B*tch does the Dissociative, Split Personality, Rose colored glasses act. I wrote about this in an earlier plog called a Tale of Two Faces. A more accurate name would be Liars!! These guys put the most petulant 14 year old 8th grade female back biters to shame when it comes to being two faced, phoney and unreliable.
In the cold light of day many of us are done with him too. We all live and manage our own private lives. But into each life a little Orange must fall LOL. RECLAIM
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