Plog Number 56
Student Loan Relief

Hello Ploggers, How are you this evening? It is an exciting night for me because it will be a three day weekend. All day today I thought it was Friday because I am off tomorrow. A three day weekend is a wonderful thing. I will happily deal with the confusion. I am also excited about a National News worthy event that happened yesterday. Joe honored his campaign promise and is forgiving a large amount of student debt 😄
I personally have been in school much of my life since I graduated from Geneva High School. I basically worked my way through undergraduate and law school. Stuff would need to be paid for and I would pay it in increments. As a working nurse I always had the money. I came out debt free. I used employee tuition reimbursement when I got my BSN. However, getting my NP degree required a FASFA loan 💲💲💲 to cover the last year and a half. So my amount isn’t that large but it is still there. When I was refinancing my home a few years back they asked me about the loans since they had just been added to my credit report. The deferments helped it to never show as an active debt but it was certainly looming. I remember the loan guy at Chase told me to pay them off as soon as possible so I wouldn’t ruin my credit rating. Had it not been for Covid and the deferments on loan payments, I think they would have raised my debt to credit ratio and made it difficult for me to borrow any money.
I mentioned Covid earlier and that brings me to a point about loan forgiveness. I noticed that many on the right have spoken out against the Student Loan forgiveness. These same people received and had forgiven Covid PPP loans. 🔥CAUTION ENTERING THE BURN ZONE. B*tch McConnell 💩 said it was just a way for Joe to get votes. You wish you had something to get votes for you and your party B*tch! I have news for you B*tch, the votes will be there regardless 🔥. Your hand picked Supreme Court saw to that when they took away female reproductive rights. Marjorie Taylor Greene 💩 rambled on about it saying it just "wasn’t fair". She seems to think that most loan recipients attended Ivy League schools so they should be wealthy enough to pay back the loans. She should think and do research before she speaks. 🔥 Matt Gaetz 💩c said it wasn’t fair and would fuel inflation. He also said that people should just not go to school if they couldn’t afford it. A Bootstrap method coming from a spoiled rich and privileged white male has zero meaning. Matt when is your Sex trafficking case coming up? 🔥
It was said that not repaying the loans was like tax evasion. I am pretty sure that most of you have heard about these very wealthy people and corporations paying less taxes than the receptionist who works there. Also there were hundreds of thousands of federal Covid PPP loans that were forgiven, no questions asked. And to talk about tax evasion is surely living in a glass house and throwing stones. How many millionaire corporations don’t pay their share of taxes? The answer is MANY. It has been the middle class who have supported this country. It is the middle class who will benefit from the loan forgiveness since the allowable income is $125,000 or less annual income. That is middle class income. So I think the loan thing is GREAT! Go to for details. Many politicians have promised student loan forgiveness but Joe is the first to do it on a National level. All those who have had governmental debt forgiveness such as PPP loans 💰 should remain silent on the student loan forgiveness issue. All the pots need to stop taking about the kettle being black. I can think of so many applicable, "old adages" but what is good for the goose is also good for the gander.
Oh and another exciting national thing is that dried up river in Texas where they discovered dinosaur footprints 🐉 from millions of years ago. I can’t understand how the footprints stayed intact under water for all this time. Were they that heavy that they imprinted into rocks? It makes me wonder where other remnants of them may be hiding in our society. Things like that get me really excited. I hope that they are making molds of their prints and preserving as much facts and history as they can before the rains fill it back in. Feeling great tonight RECLAIM!