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Supposedly Undecided Voters

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 327

Undecided Voters


     Hello Ploggers, how are you. Have you actually met any undecided voters. Are you surrounded by people who are strong Democratic or Republican voters. I find it hard to believe that there are any undecideds left out here but they do exist. I think the terminology may be misleading and confusing. So lets get into it.

     What seems to be really going on is that there are many people who do NOT want to vote for Kamala Harris. There is some reason that they themselves know. They know all of the negatives of 45 and they are like an elephant in a room. Yet they will hold back on kitten sized things like “she put too many black men away” or “She lied about listening to Tupak” while on a Charlemaine the God interview. Or they will say she said she wont do anything for black people. I have been listening to these stories and what I hear not being said is that she is far smarter than her opponent. Or that she has actual well prepared plans. Or that she is a champion for women’s rights and Civil rights. They don’t say that 45 is a racist felon, sexual offender. ?!? They are ignoring the elephant and focusing on the kitten sized complaints that hold them back. But I think it is deeper than that. I think they don’t want to vote for a black women. That is the bottom line.

     This is more than a racial thing. I hear niggling little complaints about Kamala with a total blind eye to Trump and his glaring faults. I hear this hedging from black men and women and of course white men and women. There are those who are not saying anything, but they will be voting. I am more blown away by the black men and women. It says so much about how far we have decidedly NOT come as a race. I think of Asian people supporting each other no matter what. Jewish people doing the same thing. Hispanics also doing the same unwavering supportive thing. But when it comes to black people in America we are NOT that same way. Then I start to wonder if it has something to do with slavery and division being used to control us. I often visualize the Crabs in a Bucket. Then I wonder if we will ever get it together.

     So long story short, I feel that many people are not going to support Kamala Harris an obviously better choice. They will pick a reason that they can not support her and vote for 45 with all his flaws laid out front and center. I find it very sad as it relates to my own people. I wonder when we will ever catch up. RECLAIM



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