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That White Female Vote

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 92

That White Female Vote

Hello ploggers, how are you. I hope you are recovering from the pins and 😠 needles of the election. As things sit right now, it looks like we will keep the Senate majority and maybe get the House too. The margins are so close and all of the vote is not counted yet. The networks are able to make their projections with some confidence. That means for sure no more looking at B*tch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader. Possibly Nancy gets to keep her job as Speaker of the House. That is my Really Big Ask .

I have been listening to the statistics and that Steve Zvornaky guy has told us all who voted and how we voted. It turns out that there was a fly in our Kumbaya ointment of women united for change. Our undeniable supporting of Reproductive Rights no matter what fell short in a 👾 large way. 75% of White women voted Republican 👀 . A Republican vote is not a vote for Reproductive Choice. What happened? Did they get confused? No, they did not get confused. They probably never intended to vote Democrat in some parts of the country. I believe that things happen for a reason. Here are some (not all) issues I think are definitely involved.

I. I. In general white women are not as strong as black women. I mean no shade in that comment, hear me out. Black women showed up and got the job done, likewise👍👍 millennials. If you are a black woman in this country, you have been called the N work and worse many times. You have been overlooked when you knew exactly what you were doing. You have worked twice as hard for half as much. All of this has made us 💪 💪 stronger. We don't easily break. White women in Georgia voted for Brian 💩 Kemp rather than Stacey Abrams. White women in Florida voted for Marco 💩 Rubio rather than Val Demmings. White women in Texas voted for Gregg 💩 Abbott rather than Beto O’Rourke. What does that say? Its as if they wanted the established "men" to take care of them. WTF? These men have said what they will do in controlling a woman's body. It is a school girl fantasy giving control over to their captors.

II. II. I think white women feel that they have more to lose than black women. These women are tethered to their white husbands. White men are very powerful and influential. The women are not willing to take that gamble for the sake of a non white political candidate.

III. III. There is also an element of race, especially in the south. Can a white woman be comfortable under a black woman elected official? Or is that simply asking too much, even when that black woman is the far better candidate. Racial history in this country has a powerful affect. I think this is a complex issue with lots of layers, but it is also cronyism and habit. My Mother always said “what goes on in the voting booth is private”. She is the reason I never answer polls. But I damn sure vote for my interest.

But when the same types of issues were tackled in Michigan, the outcome was different. There was no Stacey Abrams or Val Demmings in that northern state. Everyone was white in the major races. Taking race out of the equation changes the dynamic dramatically. These are just my thoughts in an attempt to decipher cold, hard numerical facts that did NOT add up. I am curious to see what others are saying about the topic. I have seen and understand intense ❣️ pain and 😦 anger on the part of black women who feel duped, disappointed and invisible yet again. I get all of that, it is legit AF! This is an uncomfortable talk we must have. We have to do better. A lot of work needs to be done before our next election RECLAIM!



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