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The Bible

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 284

The Bible


     Hello Ploggers, how are you. I hope that the wind is always at your back. It is Good Friday and there is no line dancing because of that. I am happy to enjoy my home and family and cats. It’s a good thing every so often to change the routine. I line danced last night because I knew that they wouldn’t have it tonight. So I guess I have danced in advance and I have one in the bank😎.

     But with the advent of Good Friday and upcoming Easter Sunday, it is Holy Week. A week leading up to Pentecost. In many churches⛪️ the bells will be ringing more than ever. People will dress their kids up in pretty pastels and take them to church this Sunday. After all, it is nice to hear the Easter Choir sing and to feel a part of a religious event. It’s like an annual Stairway to Heaven event. Enough of these shows of faith may be just enough to get you on the good side of St. Peter. So, since it is a religious time, we may as well talk about the good book, The King James Bible, 45 Edition.

     By now we have all heard that 45 is selling $59 copies of the 📖Bible. His Bible includes the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. He is calling it the God Bless the USA Bible. Non-Americans or non Christians need not apply. 45 and singer Lee Greenwood have gotten together in this Bible Endeavor. I remember Greenwood getting together with Ronald Reagan back in the 1980’s. The guy must rent himself out to Conservative politicians for his influence. I think I personally would have picked a different and more hip singer. But I am pretty sure that Greenwood was picked for strategic manipulative purposes. 45 needs money and he needs votes. He went with the tried and true pseudo religious and patriotic singer to further manipulate his base.

    Religion is such a personal thing. Every one of us probably has a different view of heaven, hell, salvation, resurrection and the like. We probably all think of God, Jesus and the Holy ghost in completely different ways. We probably each have our own idea of how we think our God wants us to behave. Everyone has said how 45’s behavior is non-Christ like. I agree with that, but I cant prove it like I would a set of facts held up against a legal standard. It is too squishy of a concept that everybody views differently and takes it to their hearts. Its like trying to prove that a sponge holds water, while leaking at the same time. Plus, there is all the talk about forgiveness and Jesus hanging out with harlots, thieves and lepers. Jesus is known to have forgiven anyone for anything. After all didn’t he die for all of our sins? So it is hard for me to point a finger at 45 and his debauchery in the name of his pretentious Bible. He made the most strategic move by holding up a Bible. He used it as a shield. Religious people may see it as a true act based on the principles held within. Political people may see it as a manipulative ploy designed to mislead the weak minded. Most of us see it as a money grab and grift to pay legal bills and cement the evangelicals to vote for and support him. You can almost smell the desperation and blasphemy. He has gone from selling MAGA hats, Baseball cards, tennis shoes and now Bibles.

     I think God must be looking down at us and saying “People please, forgive this child of mine, but for God’s sake don’t vote for him!” Ha ha ha. That is the kind of God I believe in RECLAIM!




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