Plog Number 108
The Compromise of Clarence Thomas

Hello Ploggers, how are you. Each morning I wake up and I am thankful for the privilege. This past week the popular entertainer Twitch died by suicide. It seems so senseless to those of us who don’t know the inner workings of his life or his mind. He seemed to have so much, great career, family, success, fame and a happy 🥹 ☺️ exterior. God Bless his family and friends left to mourn him. May he rest in more ☮️ peace than he had in this life.
Let’s discuss Clarence Thomas as we frequently do in our Plog. He is certainly not someone I find to be admirable but he is newsworthy and powerful. He seems to be a staunch supporter of anything that opposes blacks, poor people, women or the disenfranchised. It is remarkable because he fits into several of the categories named above. That is weird but not uncommon, for those who hate themselves. Thomas benefited from Affirmative Action policies but says it made his degree worth “fifteen cents”. But still he benefited and has gotten way more than fifteen cents 💰 worth out of it. As a conservative justice he ruled in lock 🔐 step with Antonin Scalia and Renquist as long they were around. He is known for not asking many questions nor ✏️ writing many opinions. Yet we do know that he is anti-affirmative action, Pro Life, Pro States rights and anti 🏳️ LGBTQ+ rights and possibly anti inter-racial marriage. ?!? I know, he is inter-racially👨👩 married. He is a complicated man. I do NOT appreciate his complexity because I can not see how he serves or tries to help anyone. If he is in any way concerned about how he is perceived it is NOT well.
Thomas was the lone dissent when the House Select Committee asked to see documents for their investigation of 45. The majority vote overruled his self serving vote. 💩
Thomas continues to rule in cases involving January 6 insurrection even though his wife has been called to testify as a witness by the January 6 commission. It has been noticed. 💩 💩
45 filed a petition to Thomas to vacate the stay placed by the US Court of Appeals regarding the Mar a Lago documents. The full court denied even hearing the motion. 💩 💩 💩
But Thomas is in a situation that keeps getting closer and closer around him. His Waterloo will likely be his far right activist wife 👩 Ginni Thomas who is said to have aided in the Insurrection. That compromises him to a large degree. Yet he is too proud to step aside and recuse. He must live in dread of what emails she may have sent to Eastman and Mark Meadows. As more of his wife's transgressions and mis-steps come out, it puts him in more of a compromised position. Their excuse saying they don't talk about what they do is running thinner and thinner. Ginni Thomas said that they stay out of each others lanes.
While currently there are no clear cut rules or consequences for recusal of Supreme Court Justices, that issue is being 🔦 spotlighted as I sit here and type. Congress is looking at rules for Supreme Court Justices. They are also looking at term limits and expanding the court. They have invited Chief Justice Roberts to speak at Congressional inquiries, and he has either not responded or said very little. I think Thomas' days of getting away with no restraint are being 👀 noticed by everyone. I think that there will soon be a day when he will either be restrained or have to leave the court. If it came to a popular vote, I think Thomas' low approval would be obvious to everyone. If nothing else I am sure he hates the attention on what he feels is his and nobody else’s business. The very least we can do is make him feel 😠 annoyed and uncomfortable and peer into his private and now public life RECLAIM!
I would say he is anti choice, not pro life. I am pro life, but support abortion rights.