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The Election

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number74

The Election

Good Evening Ploggers. Hoping that you are having a great weekend. We just returned from a maneuverability and drivingšŸš— lesson. Things are looking pretty good for my daughter to get her license later this month. I am happy for her and her growing independence.

I also took note that Nasa scientists actually fired šŸš€something at a real life asteroid. It was called DART Double Asteroid Redirection Test. Apparently the future is now and we have to defend ouršŸŒ planet against oncoming asteroids. From what I read the endeavor was a success and could save the earth by changing the trajectory of anā˜„ļø asteroid by nano inches. After visiting the Grand Canyon this summer we saw first-hand what an asteroid does to the earth. The dinosaurs were huge but also succumbed to an asteroid. So it makes sense that asteroids be controlled. I hope that there are no repercussions or miscalculations.

Tonight I am thinking about the power of the upcoming election. I read multiple news outlets when I do the research for my plogs. I have come to some conclusions about the future of our two party system. Numerically there are more Democrats than Republicans. Right now Republicans are very unpopular across the country. Also there are more women than men in this country and women are MAD AS HELL. I have seen numerous people who are former Republicans. The Lincoln comes to mind. For years the Republicans have been able to maintain power by controlling a minority of the population. That is quite a trick, donā€™t you think? But lets look at the stars in the current Republican Party: 45, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Gregg Abbott, Dr. Oz, Marco Rubio, Herschel Walker, Tim Scott, B*tch McConnell, Ron De Santis, Lyndsay Graham, Lauren Bobert, Matt Geatz, Clarence Thomas. Need I go on? Lets look at their policies: Depriving women their reproductive autonomy, war on Wokeism in education and Critical Race Theory, White washing American racial history, Tax cuts for the wealthy, No Student Debt relief for the middle class, No regulation of the cost of pharmaceuticals, denial of benefits for Veterans, Homophobia, White Supremacy, Conspiracy Theories Anti-Immigration, GunsšŸ’£ for Everybody. Those things are very unpopular. Unpopular with me and many other Americans. I see Americans as becoming smarter, more diverse, more melenated (I love that word) and moving in a good direction. It is a real thing that Republicans are afraid of losing power. Also that white people are afraid of no longer being the majority. Numerically, it is a certainty that non-whites will dominate in out lifetimes. Things are changing and people are in reaction to that. This election is so important. Democracy versus Fascism.

I have no crystalšŸ’Ž ball into how this or any election will go, but I have heard that there could be a blue šŸŒŠ monsoon. No one is willing to say this for sure, but I think about it daily. Trust and believe that I will be there plogging about what I learn. I just want our Reproductive Rights back and a sincere apology for ever taking them away in the first place RECLAIM!



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