Plog Number 24

Hello all, how are you. I have been looking at my analytics and statistics on my Plog. Wix shows me traffic to my blog and has everything in raw numbers or percentages. I have learned that more people read it on the weekdays than the weekends. It takes between 6-8 minutes for each plog to be read. I really like that, because I want it to be short and powerful. I don’t ever want to go on and on like a college professor teaching the most boring subject. 77% of people are reading my Plog on Mobile devices. That is a good thing too since we are all connected to our cell phones. I recently changed the picture for the email notification from a grey cat (Gris gato) to a lovely picture of blue and white Hydrangea. I have zero social media presence at this point. I don’t feel ready for that yet. I am happy with these stats and I am striving to reach more and more people. My email address is on each post, so if you have any issues with content or want to have something discussed just reach out to me. And above all, thank you for reading my Plog.
I found some interesting facts about single parent households in the US. As we can easily observe, single motherhood is a growing numerical trend. As the world changes, more women are choosing children over husbands. I remember when I was a kid, it was big news if an unmarried woman got pregnant. It was scandalous and talked about. The woman either went on to marry the father or someone else, but she was considered to have “baggage”. There were homes where the “knocked up” could go to hide and later have their babies. Today that is SO not the case. Many Celebrities are proud single mothers. There is: Halle Berry, Sandra Bullock, Kate Winslet, Padma Lakshmi, Minnie Driver, Michelle Williams, Sheryl Crow, Kate Moss and many more. According to the 80% of single parent families are headed by single mothers. It is not necessarily a black thing or a poor thing anymore. It is more just a choice thing. Over half of these women (52.3%) have never married. When looking at race, black single mothers make up to 72% of black families. The article goes on to give numbers regarding poverty, education, public assistance and food insecurity. All these things affect single mother families negatively.
For working women in the US, our healthcare benefits provide little support for maternity leave. Maternity leave is dependent on how much paid leave the woman has acquired. Most American employers do not provide paid time off for birthing babies. American women depend on FMLA for 12 weeks off without pay. Canada offers 17 weeks paid maternity leave. The Czech Republic gives 28 weeks paid leave. Hungary gives 24 weeks paid leave. I believe that most of these countries have Socialized Healthcare. I am envious AF about these paid maternity leaves. Knowing that I had to go back to work when all I wanted was to be there for my 12 week old child was difficult for me and I am sure for many others as well. The stress of going back to work is why breastfeeding usually goes by the wayside. For me I used a pump at work but as an ICU nurse it was not convenient to use it in between Code Blues and patient care.
I have provided a lot of facts in this post about women and motherhood. Motherhood is a beautiful thing when a woman is ready to devote herself to it. Only she knows when she is ready for that role. You would think that a country that is espousing “Forced Birth” would cough up better maternity leave to these women but no. Women have lost the right to choose temporarily in the US. There is no guarantee for women with life threatening health issues connected to their pregnancies to have the right to safely and legally choose. It galls me that these women were not taken into consideration. But the back alley is always open for business. Fact!