Plog Number 209
The KKK Law

Hello Ploggers, how are you. I am honestly just getting back from a blockbuster🎇 vacation. I am in that stage of being exhausted and ready to get back to normal. It varies from moment to moment but I think I am going back to reality. It seems like so much has happened since and during my 🚢cruise, but I will try to recap over the next few plogs. As I have always said, there will always be something new to Plog about. My Mother used to say “There is nothing new under the🌞 sun" She was right about the cyclical nature of life but she never knew about President 45 and this compromised and greedy Supreme Court. My Mother was raised in Mississippi so she certainly heard of the KKK. But I am betting that she never heard of how Jack Smith used the law developed to prosecute the KKK to indict a racist🐶 dog whistling and failed, ex president and the irony therein.
The irony comes from the fact that Jack Smith used a Civil Rights Law that was used to prosecute the KKK. The law is part of the Enforcement Act of 1870. It is ancient and was developed to protect the rights given in the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. The Enforcement Act has been rarely used but has been re-codified in the U.S. Code. So it is still relevant and applicable ⚖️ law. The law has been used to Prosecute the KKK for deterring Black Americans from exercising their right to vote. The law is designed to punish those who subvert election outcomes. The law does not require a conspiracy to be successful to prove the crime. The law isn’t limited to the prevention of casting a ballot 📝 but rather to having ballots be counted. Over time the law has been used to prosecute various election interference conspiracies as recently as 2014 in Kentucky. It has been used to punish disinformation campaigns intended to suppress votes. Recently a social media influencer was convicted for misleading people about how to vote in the 2016 election. The law is legit and very appropriate for 45 and his ilk.
In the case of 45, he helped provoke an assault on democracy and undermined public trust in elections in ways that continue to endanger election officials ( Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea Shaye Moss) and to fuel restrictive voting legislation. Many states have responded in this way. Also 45 tried to disenfranchise the votes in mostly black areas like Detroit, Atlanta, and Philadelphia. This is exactly why the law was passed, to stop racist KKK minded people from blocking black voters. Smith was exactly on point when he chose the law that he used. The more I read about the law, used to nail 45, the less I think it is irony. I see it as facts and criminal activity matching up. And that means…
My❤️ mother was right after all. Things don’t change and there is not anything new under the sun. Oh well, kudos to Jack Smith and Fani Lewis for doing the work. Laws and criminal behavior that match equal a prosecutors dream so RECLAIM!