Plog Number 160
The NRA Conference

Hello Ploggers, Happy Sunday to you all. I am using my day to hang out with good friends and basking in their love and support. After yoga I visited my favorite Bakery and did my usual Saturday morning Heights things. We are having a total heat wave 🔥 with 80 degree weather in mid April. Yay us! My 🌷 tulips have opened their heads and I see dandelions in my yard. It looks like Spring has sprung.
There is a trend on TikTok involving mass shootings. After it happens you find the politicians in that state who accept money from the gun lobbyists. You state how much money they got and name the shooting after them. So far lawmakers in Kentucky, Ohio and Alabama have been named. Another content creator named the Tennessee politician when that state had its most recent shooting. This trend is post shooting. I think we should do something prior to the shootings. Something that stops them from happening. For now, calling out the politicians is a good way to put them on blast.
Last week the NRA had a big annual meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana from April 14-16. They had exhibits that showcased over 14 acres of the latest guns and gear. It was billed as an event for Second Amendment patriots to have a freedom filled weekend for the entire family. Their salute was “Defend the 2nd.” You could send in a picture and have a chance to have it displayed in the 2023 advertising campaign. You could win a 🚚 truck or a shooting course. They also offered programs for shooters, hunters, youth, women, officers and more. You could upgrade to the NRA Ring of Freedom Hospitality Suite and much more. The female Governor of South Dakota was there along with 45, Mike Pence and others including crying 😧Kyle Rittenhouse. I thought the whole thing was insensitive, so close to the recent mass 😴shootings. The pain for those families is still very fresh.
The event seemed to include a lot of patriotism and family dynamic. I even saw a sound bite where an older white man was likening the right to carry guns to Biblical rights and approval. I also saw another older white male who was booed as he tried to speak at this event. This man was Mike Pence. He was in attendance as a necessity since he resides in Indiana and as a potential candidate for any Republican office his attendance was required. It must have been humbling and embarrassing 👀 to know that people hate you and don’t want to hear your message, even in your home state.
I look at the NRA as a profitable 💸business with a strong political lobby. I personally do not feel that they should not sell any guns. But I do feel that ASSAULT RIFLES should not be sold to civilians. There are many other guns that can be used besides Assault rifles. There are Glocks, 44 Magnums (Dirty Harry), Colts, shot guns, rifles, revolvers and handguns. Those guns seem to be capable of providing hours of patriotic family fun for Americans in a much safer way than an AR 15.
Another set of problems with guns in this country are the lack of common sense purchasing laws, waiting ⏳ periods, and background checks. These items are needed because of Mental illness that is sprinkled throughout society. Everybody does not have the mental capacity to handle a deadly weapon. People with a history of violence and threats towards others should not be able to get their hands on assault rifles, especially without a wait ⏲ period. People with documented mental illness should not be able to buy a gun on the same day. A one week wait can make a huge difference in the lives of many people. Lets support candidates who will be dedicated to keeping us safe. Lets stop voting for candidates who take any money from the NRA. You can see who got money from the NRA on or a plain old google 🔎 search. Be a 👃nosey Rosie and RECLAIM!