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The Real Trickle Down

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 219

The Real Trickle Down

Hello Ploggers, how are you. We are doing the rush to the end of the month and September 2023 has gone fast. I have been enjoying fall 🍎 fruits and 🍆vegetable harvests. I forget how awful hot house 🍅 tomatoes are compared to those grown in someone’s garden. Yum. My daughter’s boss sent her home with some extra home grown tomatoes and I sliced into them and was immediately taken back to my childhood days where the veggies were always like this.

The other day as work my wo-workers were talking about being short staffed. The medical field is perpetually understaffed for one reason or another. Working short puts more work on those who actually do show up. The nurses in my department noticed some other co-workers behavior towards a patient. What they saw was pretty disturbing, but the conversation was fascinating to me. I am a relatively new person in the department, so I am learning every day. I overheard a nurse say how “Susie” was less than helpful to a patient and kept on walking. The patient asked her “Are you Patty?” the nurse said “no” and kept walking past. Never offering to find Patty or to ask what was needed. We all agreed that was😬 unconscionable. But they went on to say how the patient got frustrated and was nasty to the next person who they saw. They were probably expecting more rude replies and were pre-emptive in their own requests. By the time that appointment was done, everyone had a bad experience. One nurse said “That 💩 shit trickled down to everyone”. An epiphany hit me like a ⚡️ lightning bolt.

When this astute nurse made this comment, I was reminded of political myths espoused by Ronald Reagan and Paul Ryan and many other Republican politicians. They both said that if you cut the rich a💰 financial tax break that their windfall would trickle down to the rest of society. That notion is pure fiction. When the wealthy 1% get tax breaks they keep that money and use it for their own luxury. They do not provide jobs with good benefits and things that help the working class. They are under no duty to do that and they don’t. The rich just get richer. The poor get poorer and the middle class get poorer because they take on the tax burden.

Through the comparison about things trickling down, I have learned that the 💩 sh*t tends to trickle down and hit everybody on the way. The Rich and their financial good fortunes tend to stay right where it is. It trickles anywhere but down. This defies physics, but explains human nature. Kind of a negative Plog but I speak the truth. Smart nurses rock. They use political jargon in real life and time. RECLAIM!



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