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The Side Show

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 153

The Side Show

Hello Ploggers, how are you. Today is HumpšŸ« Day. This is a major milestone to getting the week under our belts. Yay for Hump Day! Today is the day after President 45 had his arraignment in New York City. The charges are stunning, 34 felony counts. I think Bragg was smart in not outlining his case. At arraignment, you just read the charges, thatā€™s it. You really cant make a huge judgment on an arraignment and charges. They are bare bones. It is a mere formality and no evidence is given. Now the Discovery requests will torpedo back and forth. It is not until the Prosecution rests that we will know all that Alvin Bragg is putting forward. I have to review the entirety of the case and I will be plogging on it as it unfolds. Never fear, your legal eagle is here.

What I want to talk about today is the side show that was going on outside of the court proceedings. There were protestors for both sides. There were more protestors voicing their opinions AGAINST 45 than the MAGA supporters. 45 asked for his supporters to show up and protest, but evidently they didnā€™t get the memo. Pro 45 signs said ā€œTrump or Deathā€. Anti 45 signs read ā€œLock him upā€ and ā€œIndicAtedā€. That was how 45 misspelled indicted on Truth Social. Sign wise, I think the Anti 45 signs clearly won. Legal words are hard to spell, for example Affidavit, Subpoena and Indictment. But when you are as "smart" as this guy, wouldn't you know? I think that 45 and the poorly educated, that he loves, have a lot in common. Reporters lined the streets as was expected. It looked like a total zoo to me. Then to cap off the whole thing with a šŸ’ cherry, there were 2 very conspicuous Political Hacks in attendance.

The first was Marjorie Taylor Green (R) Georgia. She had on blue sunglasses and tried to look intelligent. She was interviewed from inside a šŸš— car and had the nerve to make the comparison between 45, Nelson Mandela and Jesus. She said that they were both arrested and that 45 was in good company. She spoke of him as a hero if not a āœļø savior. Yes, it was blasphemous to watch. More than likely Greene knows very little about Mandela. Her visit turned chaotic and was cut short. She is a total embarrassment.

Another notable piece of šŸ’© excrement in attendance was George Santos. He had on šŸ˜Žsunglasses and was seen ducking the crowd. I guess he could use the excuse that he is a representative for District 3 in New York. More than likely he was there to genuflect and lend support to 45. He seems to use every opportunity to ingratiate himself with the far right crowd. He was followed and verbally pummeled by the press. They asked him how he felt about people in his district wanting him to resign. He deflected. I heard one person ask he if he had a lawšŸ‘Øā€āš–ļø degree yet LOL šŸ˜…LOL LOL. Get one George, they are great!

Representative Jamal Brown (D) New York told Green to take her ā€œassā€ back home to Georgia and do her job. He was blunt and said that her white supremacy would not be tolerated in New York. He also said that she just wants to be the Vice President on the ticket. He was fairly interesting and was quite animated.

All in all, the side šŸŽŠ show outside of the building where 45 had his arraignment was almost as interesting as the court proceeding. Greene and Santos were most likely to garner personal attention for future political gain. Geez and RECLAIM!



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