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The Ugly Tree

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 29

Good Morning fellow Ploggers! A morning that only God could make. Our earth is full of both beauty and ugliness. As we all know there is superficial beauty and there is inner beauty. The least physically attractive person can have that sweet personality and you fall in love with their persona. Beauty is only skin deep and is a poor way to measure a person’s worth. I think we all have qualities that are beautiful and that the propensity for ugly is within us. Each and every day we get older and our youthful looks fade. I think it would be wise to have more going for us than a pretty little face to carry us through our lives. To publically criticize others based on looks is so cruel and childish. It also sets up some really bad Karma.

Speaking of ugly, let’s talk about Matt Gaetz and his most recent public speech. He recently spoke at a Turning Point USA Student Action Summit. The summit is an invite only event for young kids ages 15-26. They have networking events and meet with conservative political activists. The goal is for the students to return to their campuses energized with the proper tools to defend conservatism. The SAS is full of Fox News influences. It claims to be a non-profit organization but has a revenue of $39.8 million dollars. Kind of like a Mega Church. Their website asks for donations as soon as you open it. SAS is only one of many of these type of organizations that sway young people towards the Right Wing. So, to hear that Gaetz spoke at this type of organization is not at all surprising. By the way, his comments were met with cheers and applause. This event sounds like a training ground for sexist pigs.

We all know that Gaetz has been accused of having sex with underage women. He also is accused of using drugs and crossing state lines with these women. He is rumored to have shared photos of these women on the floor of Congress. It is also rumored that he used Venmo to pay women to sleep with him. These stories have been in the news for months but still no charges for Gaetz. One of his cohorts Joel Greenburg took a plea deal in May of this year regarding these charges. It sounds like Gaetz is working hard behind the scenes in order to avoid charges. I haven’t heard anything about him being charged. Judging by his high profile and public appearances, he seems to be pretty confident in his future.

The comments made by this guy took aim at abortion rights and women in one cozy speech. Gaetz chided women who fight for abortion rights as looking like a “thumb”. He said, that no one would want to impregnate these women based on their looks. He likened abortion supporters to murderous villains. So he came out and said that these women are ugly, but also murderers. The venue where he chose to speak in this way seems very calculated. He knew there would be a media back lash. He knows that he has a huge although dubious platform. He also knew that the SAS would get notoriety. He has little to lose in his public position, because we all know his propensities. So I dismiss him as a poor little rich boy, Elvis impersonating pedophile. I do want to see him get arrested and charged. In the meantime I hope that none of the women he was with got pregnant and needed an abortion. Gaetz would surely vote against the right to an abortion while quietly arranging for his “escort” to have the procedure done in a quiet, clean and safe environment. Thumbs down all around Matt! Your Soul and Spirit were hit by every branch on the UGLY tree!




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