Plog Number 180
Tina, Tina, Annie Mae

Hello Ploggers, how are you. Every now and then things come up and make the timing right for other things to be brought up as a follow up. Or is that called a segue? Or is that just divine timing? Whatever it is, I am going to go for the bait on the hook.
We have all heard about the death of Tina Turner at age 83. She died of complications of Hypertension or High Blood Pressure. She was a ✨ superstar in every way in my opinion. She overcame great odds and rose even higher. She seemed to have met a bevy of other superstars who had nothing but respect for her. Her dance moves and moxy paved the way for performers like Beyonce and Lizzo to this day. They wouldn’t be as big and bold as they are now if Tina hadn’t shown them how to do it. But there was an area where she was naïve and made poor choices. The area was one of the most important of her life. The subject was her 🛂 health.
Tina had uncontrolled hypertension which lead to kidney failure, dialysis, kidney transplant, and eventual death. She lived to age 83 but she explained some things before she died. She said that she didn’t like to take 💊 pills because of how they made her feel. She was trying to use things like peat moss and other natural🌱 remedies instead of prescribed medication. Tina although born and raised in the American south, ended up living in Switzerland. Switzerland has a very different populace and health care issues. No matter where she moved to, Tina was born and bred in the south and as an African American she had typical disease processes endemic to that area. The disease process is due to genetics, diet, and lifestyle choices. The progression goes as follows: Hypertension, Denial of Hypertension, Kidney Failure and Organ Transplant (if you are lucky), feeling like crap, and finally death. But the disease is very controllable.
Tina lived until a ripe old age of 83 in part because she had more 💵 money and resources than the average person. Most black people on the list NEVER get a transplant, as Tina did. Her medical care was undoubtedly “Simply the Best”. But she didn’t do her part at the start of her illness. She failed to control her blood pressure and it damaged her kidneys. The rest of the story went downhill. So if anything, lets learn a thing or two from Tina besides killer dance steps. She said she regretted not taking her blood pressure medicine. She did NOT get relief from the natural 🌿 remedies she took. The Peat Moss, Apple 🍎 Cider Vinegar, Garlic, Beets and onions do not work as well as the Ace Inhibitor medication she so badly needed to both control her blood pressure and protect her kidneys simultaneously. She could have lived a better quality life and still been here with😢 us.
I know Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda but its so true for those of us who are still here. It is what I preach every day to my patients. Take the information and use it to your advantage. RECLAIM!!