Plog Number 254
Tired of the Double Speak

Hello Ploggers, how are you. I am forcing myself back into the world of working a full work week after the holidays. Over the weekend we went to see the new Color Purple Musical/ Movie. I am a Big fan of the original version from the 1980’s. I love Whoopi and Oprah in that version. But the new one is great too. It fills in some blanks left from the first 📹 movie. It follows the original storyline but adds a modern dimension. Whoopi does a cameo which warmed my 😍heart to see. A very well done flick. I hope you get to see and enjoy it.
I just did a Tik Tok tonight about women voting against their interest. I titled it “Women who vote against their interest”. An original huh? I talked about two particular famous women. Alyssa Farah Griffin from the View and Chastity Hutchinson. They are both former (giddy) employees of President 45. It is beyond me to understand why they would have ever worked for him. We already knew of his character and proclivities before he was ever elected. He had bragged about “grabbing🐈 pussy”, made fun of the disabled, disparaged veterans and especially POW’s. He was endorsed by every white supremacist around including David Duke. We knew that he had to be sued for racial discrimination of black New Yorkers who wanted to live in his apartments in the 1970’s. Before he was ever elected he was a known 💩turd. Yet these women still went to work for him, enthusiastically. They helped him to advance his putrid and racist agenda. To me they are strongly tainted!
Now they both say how horrible, immature and unfit he is. Hutchinson has even written a book about it. I think it is called “Enough”. She was still in awe of him even after the Insurrection. She still wanted to go and help him until her mother got her to re-consider. She was exhibiting cult behavior. I am not sure what turned her around, but she seems stunned and post traumatic when she speaks now. Her testimony was shocking during the January 6th committee hearings. I don’t understand the mentality to fall for a reprehensible person just because it will work out well for your own personal gain. I find it beyond repulsive and destructive. Then when they see the error of their ways and get on TV and tell all the tales, I find them👎 untrustworthy and👎 duplicitous.
I do appreciate Hutchinson’s testimony, and how it helped to build a case against 45. I just have to voice my disgust in women who readily helped 45 with his criminal and sexist agenda. Women, do better and vote your interest! RECLAIM!