Plog Number 149
Treatment of Alvin Bragg and Shou Zi Chew

Hello Ploggers, how are you. My daughter and I are banished to one of my happy places 📚 (local library) due to no electricity at our home. For the second time this month, we have lost power in our tiny but windy hamlet. It is maddening and makes me wonder about how old the electrical grid is that services our area. The Illuminating Company is saying that it will be out until next Tuesday the 28th. I remember being a kid and riding back seat with my parents and seeing miles of those tall, iron milk maidens, at least that is what we called them. I wonder if we are operating off of ancient stuff ☣️ like that. If anybody knows drop me a line. People who live in more modern places liked Europe, Wayne County and the West side of Cleveland have all their electrical wires buried underground. Certainly a thought.
For some reason I didn’t see much news this week. But what I did see was pretty awful. I saw the treatment of Alvin Bragg, New York District Attorney. He was berated, threatened and had an envelope of a white substance sent to his office. All of this was because Baby in Chief, ex president 45 called for protest if he was indicted. Similar to the 1/6 Insurrection, he has been calling for violence from his followers. I saw 3 people standing in front of the New York District Attorneys office hold signs saying something in favor of 45.
Also the Republican led congress is requesting Alvin Bragg to testify in front of them regarding impending charges for 45. They say he is engaging in “unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority”. Also, they maintain that since he is a former president, and a current declared candidate for that office again. he shouldn’t be charged. To that I say Phewey. The real issue is an unsaid one. It is that no BLACK man or woman (remember New York Attorney General Letitia James) shall have the nerve to ever try to prosecute a white man no matter how guilty he is.
Then I saw the TikTok CEO being grilled by the Republican led Congress. Both sides of the aisle were relentless and rude to the man. Mr. Shou Zi Chew was precise and forthcoming in his answers to them. He appeared very open to me and totally non-threatening. They, the congress people appeared to be bigoted, ignorant and using the time for sound bites. As so many like-minded people have said, where is all this concern for children when they are being gunned down like unarmed soldiers in their 🏡 school’s. They say little to nothing when our kids are killed 🔫 with gun violence in public schools. They don’t even offer their “Thoughts and Prayers” anymore. There is some obvious canoodling with Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO) and lobbyist lining the pockets of these politicians. Citizens United v FEC has paved the way for the wealthy 💰 to buy our government.
Also, don’t forget the fact that the Chinese are our competitors in just about everything these days. It is notable that these “non-white” 🎎 people have outdone us in technology and in particular this Algorithm that is TikTok. I personally am one of the 150 million Americans who use TikTok and I love it. If they would do away with the dangerous challenges and put them all under a “too dangerous to be viewed safely” category things would be better. I would be pissed if I owned a Kia or a Hyundai and it was stolen as part of a challenge. But I love it for the interaction with other content creators, the cat videos, the dance videos etc. I hope it survives. I hope we all do RECLAIM!