Plog Number 124
Tyre Nichols

Hello fellow Ploggers, How are you. It is the weekend and I feel a need to do my homage to this 29 year old young man Tyre Nichols. By now we have all heard of him. I want to make sure we know the human and personal side of him as much as possible. He was born on June 5, 1993 in Sacramento, California. He died on January 10, 2023. His mother RowVaughn Wells and stepfather Rodney Wells survive him. I am pretty sure that they never imagined losing their son on January 10, 2023. Many black people fear losing their children to violence. Unfortunately it is a real threat in this country and world in which we live. 🙏 Tyre’s parents have lived the nightmare that haunts us all. When I see them on TV I know that they are extremely brave people. I imagine if I were in their place I would have to be 💉 medicated and would find it difficult to live and to perform daily functions. A strong ✝️ faith in God would be a requirement.
Many of us have seen the images of his last day alive on earth. I personally have not seen it, but I have been reading about the event, the charges and his background. Someone posted a video about his hobby which was 📷 photography. He lived in Memphis, Tennessee and took black and white pictures of the local scenery. He took pictures of 🏰 bridges on Beale Street, statues of Elvis, busy street life, gravel, 🌳 trees, buildings, beautiful🌊 waterways during sunset, the Fed Ex building where he worked and more. He had the eye of an artist. He could turn common things into art. He loved ⛅️ sunsets and would stop what he was doing to catch their beauty on camera. This beautiful picture at the top of this Plog is one that Tyre Nichols took.
Tyre Nichols was the father of a four year old son. He was the youngest of four children. He lived in Sacramento until the pandemic. At that point he went to Memphis and ended up staying there. He lived with his 🏡family and worked second shift at FedEx.
I cant help but think of other people in our tragic history. Emmitt Till comes to mind. After Till was tortured and killed his mother decided to show his mangled body to the world in photos. We are now viewing 👀 the beating and literal killing of Tyre on video 🎥 while he cried out for his mother just as George Floyd did a few years back while being killed by👮 Police. Enough 🚫…and yet I know it is probably not the end for this sort of thing. All these situations and many more have in common a dead black male. Too many times, whether they run or surrender they end up dead. Whether they are armed or unarmed they end up dead. Whether they are stopped legitimately or not, they end up dead.
Oh and by the way, I found out that the young man’s name is pronounced Tyre like tire. I did a whole Tiktok and pronounced it wrong. I think that the very least we can do is say his name right. RECLAIM!