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Vote NO on Issue 1

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Number 200

Vote No on Issue 1

***August 8, 2023 Special Election***

Hello Ploggers, how are you. Things are 🌞 heating up here in Ohio and unfortunately my ac unit and furnace couldn’t keep up. The good news is I have a good friend who does HVAC and I love him. He does great work and is honest. I have nothing but nice things to say about him. He is a smart 🍪 cookie too. Obviously he is mechanical and a businessman. He took one look at my VOTE NO ON ISSUE 1 sign in my front yard and he said he is already there and planning to vote no. In recent times I have had several 🔨 handymen to my place and they also saw and commented on the sign. In total 4 🔧 tradesmen came to my home and were already aware of the Issue and how to vote. I heard comments such as “that is bullshit!” and “they think we are so stupid!” and “we have to vote so they won’t screw us even more!” and “they are trying to trick us out of our own vote!”. Everyday Ohioans are aware of the assault that the Ohio Legislature is trying to pull on us. It is so exciting to see the widespread📢 📢 awareness.

My neighbor across the street is an attorney too, and he said he is vehemently against the issue for more reasons than just abortion. He immediately wanted a sign and I gave him the extra one that I had. He and his wife got the message and reached out to me immediately. I knew that they were smart, and was glad to hear that we are on the same team. When I look out my front windows I see people walking their 🐶 dogs and many of them stop and read the sign. The sign is a good 👀 visual aid for people.

I was invited to a Zoom meeting from the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association CMBA about Issue 1 and I learned some interesting things. The 3 speakers were Retired Municipal Court Judge Ronald Adrine, Jen Miller from the League of Women Voters of Ohio and Kari Burns, Chief Strategy Officer of the CMBA. The panel mentioned many helpful things. They acknowledged that the yard signs are hard to come by, but to try the local League of Women Voters statewide. They also announced the “tell 9” theory. They asked each of us watching the zoom to tell 9 people about the Issue. She stressed that there are still people who don’t know anything about the Issue just as there are areas that are saturated with the info. She mentioned wanting to put signs up in Mercer County because as far as she knew, there were none. That goes along with my fear. I was also afraid that there were smaller counties that were hearing nothing or very little about the Issue. Orchestrated Ignorance!! I went to Wayne County over the weekend and saw signs everywhere. Go Wayne County!💪 💪

They also mentioned Social Media as a great way to spread the word to younger folks who spend a lot of time on these outlets. I took screenshots and posted them on Facebook. I need to do the same on Instagram. My written 📝 Plogs are all over the issue and I feel inclined to do a TikTok on it too.

The panelists talked about dark 💸 money coming into Ohio to promote passage of the issue. They predicted that the outside interests will be sending money into Ohio to support Issue 1. They reiterated that the Amendment requirement has been at 50% since the year 1912. They gave statistics on how few Constitutional 📖 Amendments that the state has passed at the current 50% requirement. They of course were well informed and presented information in a readily digestible manner. They stressed to avoid talking about the law as a partisan issue because that makes it harder. She also said it is very much about abortion without a doubt. There is a commercial with Frank La Rose S.O.S. stating "this is about abortion". He is wildly gesticulating as he says this. That cant be a commercial that the Conservatives are proud of, although it is true.

So I am considering this Plog as another chance to talk about Reclaiming Women’s Reproductive Rights. I feel very💪🏿💪 committed to the fight. I will not relent and I appreciate having you with me every step of the way RECLAIM!



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