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Waiting for Mitch

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 220

Waiting for Mitch

Hello Ploggers, how goes it. I am hoping that things are swimming along for you. I love spring and summer but must admit that this fall has been compelling. With the cooler nights and sunny days it has been ideal. Sleeping 💤 has been ideal. My 💐hydrangea are still stunning and I wouldn’t dream of cutting them back. Fall is a close third for my favorite season of the year.

I bet we have all seen Glitch Mc Connell freeze up publically. He has done it twice now while addressing the press corp. Both times they have said that it was nothing and that he is fine. Of course, none of us believe that but who are we to say. We only see what they show us. But I have heard some scuttlebutt behind his reasons for staying put in Congress.

Lean in…Why does Mitch stay in a stressful job when he has obvious health reasons to give it up and stay home with his family and enjoy the rest of his life? In his heart of hearts he has to know how bad he feels. But Mitch may be staying as part of a deal he made with the devil long ago. I have always heard that Mitch is owned by the powerful coal lobby in Kentucky. They finance him and he votes in ways that are favorable to them. No questions asked. But now that Kentucky has a Democratic Governor, things are not so simple. Andy Beshear is the 63rd Governor of the state and created an upset when he won the Governorship of red Kentucky. If Mc Connell has to retire before his term ends for health reasons the Governor gets to appoint the next Senator until an election takes place. Mc Connell will try to make sure that does not happen.

Mc Connell (and the coal coalition) want his successor to be Daniel Cameron. Cameron is a Black 45 supporter who basically tried to push the Breonna Taylor case under the rug. When it came out later that there had been an insider cover up I was surprised that more was not said about this man. Cameron is ready to take the Senatorial seat except he is not quite “ready”. I guess the powers that be think that Kentuckians may need a little more⌚️ time to forget about how Cameron did nothing to aid in the Taylor case. His ability to run successfully may be hindered by his inaction and many constituents will still remember all of this. Also, he is a black MAGA and to many that is an anomaly in itself.

So Mc Connell has to wait it out. Sick or not, he is sentenced to show up in the Senate. Enough time has to elapse so that Kentuckians forget about Breonna Taylor. I urge you Kentuckians, DO NOT FORGET. Do not support this Black MAGA as your US Senator. RECLAIM


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