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Wake Up People

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 184

Wake up People

Hello Ploggers, How are you tonight. I am happily at my 💻 laptop sitting with my🐱 kitties. I can smell bacon and sweet 🍞 potatoes baking in the oven. It is currently Thursday night so I am as usual very😝 jubilant. The news is on, and 45 has just been indicted with 37 charges from the DOJ for violation of Espionage Act. I am just hearing the story so I am in reaction mode. But overall I am pleased that he is finally facing the 🎶 music he has created. But I have much more important things that 45 to talk about.

I want to talk about Andrew Lester from Oklahoma and Susan Lorincz from Florida. If you don’t remember, these two people made the news earlier this year in similar ways. These two both shot through their front doors at black people on the other side. Lester shot and injured 15 year old Ralph Yarl after he knocked on the wrong door looking for another address. Lester is an 85 year old white male. Susan Lorincz shot Ajike Owens through her front door and killed her in front of her child. Both Victims Ralph Yarl and A.J. Owens are Black. Another common thread is the delay in charging them meaningfully. Lester was taken in and sent home before he was ever charged. When he finally was charged days later, the offenses were soft balled. Lester was back at home until intense social attention was put on the event. Lorincz is a 58 year old white woman. Ms. Lorincz was taken in and released and was seen enjoying🍵 coffee on her front porch the very next morning. She wasn’t charged for several days until national exposure and social media attention were garnered. In both cases the 👮 police were aware of the shootings and did not immediately bring charges.

The common threads here are 👀 blindingly obvious to anyone looking in. These two, and many others seem to be under the impression that they can wantonly shoot at random black people. The offenders' are not gang bangers, career criminals, or hired guns. They are simply middle class white people who feel that they can get away with their actions. One of the sad truths is that they almost did. Without the massive public outcry 🔊 and attention from Social media coverage, the Florida story may have gone unnoticed. I have heard that the Florida shooter was 📚 researching "Stand your ground" laws. She was smart enough to know of its existence and possibly how it helped fellow Floridian George Zimmerman back in 1983 after he killed Trayvon Martin and got away with it.

It is easy to point 👆 fingers, but that is not the purpose of this post. The purpose is to make it known far and wide that you will NOT get away with killing black people. As strange as it seems, it is a punishable crime to do so. America has not been made Great again by 45. I know that you believe what he and Fox news have told you, but if you hadn't noticed, 45 is under several indictments right now. I started this plog talking about how 45 was indicted. I usually limit talking about him. However in this case I must mention how much damage he has done to this country. His damage has not bottomed out yet. He has normalized and elevated racism. It is just fine to be openly racist and call children "niggers". That is a reality in a post 45 world. But don't get it twisted. You do the crime and with modern 📷 technology and 👀 surveillance, you will do the time. RECLAIM!



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