Plog Number 343
Weathering, Resilience and more

Hello Ploggers, how are you? Stay strong, resilient and awesome. I will try to do the same. I may be publishing these a little bit more frequently than before. I feel the need to say more and unburden myself more than usual. I hope you can relate or at the least that you enjoy my self-indulgence. That is an upside of having a Plog that you self-publish.
Recently I have learned of the phenomena of Weathering and about how Generational traumas are passed on. Weathering is rooted in the prolonged exposure to socio-economic adversity and political marginalization, primarily affecting racial minorities and economically disadvantaged groups. This exposure triggers a chronic stress response that maintains elevated levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol. Think of the trauma that African Americans have endured, from brutal slavery, Jim Crow America, De Jure Racial Discrimination, Redlining, riding in the back of the bus, separate drinking fountains, widespread lynching etc. Those experiences were endured by ancestors. We did survive it in one way or another. Those experiences did not happen in a vacuum. Their effects did not end when our ancestors died. No, and far from it.
African Americas of 2024 are the surviving descendants of those brave black hero’s. We got a lot of things gifted to us innately from our elders. In my case, our Mother never talked a lot about her experiences down South in Weir, Mississippi. But through her silent experiences she passed survival onto us, her nine children. You see, you don’t only inherit the trauma, you also get the survival instinct. Think of all the memes you see about white people doing foolish things like Sky diving, hanging around haunted houses, plunging to the depths of the ocean, scaling icy🌋 mountains etc. You rarely see black people doing these things because we just know better. That “knowing” is our ancestral DNA telling us to avoid danger. White people do not have the same DNA as us. They have inherited other things.
But I also want to talk about a black woman named Latosha Causey. She is the new track president to replace Julie Giese. She is the first female and Black track President in Nascar history. Nascar is traditionally a white event. I remember when Bubba Wallace became known as a high profile Black 🚗 driver. It was an anomaly and it wasn’t that long ago. So I am guessing that Latosha Causey is a super strong, smart and qualified person. She had to be or they Never would have elevated her to the position she now has. So I am saying a big Congratulations to this woman of color. It is not coincidental that she is💪 strong despite the odds being stacked against her. Do your Nascar thing Latosha and RECLAIM!