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What are Republican Qualities?

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 93

What are Republican Qualities?


Hello Ploggers, how are you doing? I am wishing you Peace ☮️and Safety. I am blessed to be feeling both of those things right now. I certainly feel better since the Midterm Elections are coming to a resolution in our collective back mirrors. It is safe to watch the news without them showing a random result that can send me into disarray. I must apologize that my last plog entitled Dope Black uncle was mishandled by myself. I posted it here and when I went to post it on Facebook it got irretrievable lost. I am sad about that because it was a story that represents a multitude of Southern black people who just 'disappeared". I am working on getting it back and when I do I will publish it again.

But what I really want to talk about is the qualities that make up Republicans these days. I have heard that Josh Hawley has said that the party is ☠️ “Dead” now that the election results are coming in. B*tch McConnell has been instrumental in its current state. To hear them weighing in on how bad they are is somewhat satisfying. The people of the party seem to be either uncaring or oblivious to how much they are disliked. The policies of Republicans are very unpopular with a lot of Americans. They are like the meanest kid on the playground asking for friends but simultaneously kicking them in the shin each time they come close.

Here is how I see what the Republicans stand for: * Pro Life/Anti Choice/Misogyny. *They sanction taking a woman’s reproductive rights away without exception or medical advice. *Republicans tolerate and embrace racism, white supremacy and anti-semitism. *Republicans buy into conspiracy theories. *Republicans openly embrace tax breaks for the richest individuals and corporations. *Republicans do not support Immigration. *Republicans oppose raising the minimum wage to a livable rate. *Most recently they did not support a gasoline ⛽️ price reduction. *They opposed a cap on Insulin 💉 costs. *They advocate for “sunsetting” Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.*They are pro🔫 guns for everyone with no common sense purchasing requirements or restrictions. *Most recently they are talking about raising the legal voting age to 21, since the Millenials turned out and voted blue in the last election. There is more, but isn’t that enough? I could describe every disease in the book before you decide which one is least objectionable. To me, it is all unacceptable.

I am shocked 😮 whenever I learn that anyone wants to be a Republican. The Republicans are aware of their public perception and have no intention of changing their stance. Their ideas are antiquated and they seem not to mind dying with them rather than change. I personally would be suspicious of any changes they came up with. They have gone too far into 45ism and he holds them hostage. That is pretty hard to come back from. I picture them showing the sad face publically but in private plotting ways to create fake issues, divide us, sew hate and have a big re-branded comeback. I am not trusting them at all. Keep your eyes 👀 open and RECLAIM!



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