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What did you just say?

Writer: pamelapope88pamelapope88

Plog Number 64

What did you just say?

Hello Ploggers, Happy Friday and on to the weekend. The weather was beautiful today. Even if it is not as nice over the weekend, it is still a time to rest and rejuvenate. No matter how tired, I always go to line dance on Friday evenings. It is my thing and I don’t miss it.

I have been thinking about something I keep hearing on the National news. They say that no one anticipated the depth of the effect that the take down of Roe would have on our political system. That is unbelievable to me. I certainly knew it would have a huge effect. I think that those who didn’t see it coming must be in the habit of ignoring women. If you took any time to think about women having the right to choose versus taking that option away, you should have known we would be livid 😧 I myself am personally past child bearing years, but I have a daughter and will possibly have grand-daughters someday. It is about more than just any one women. It is certainly about respect and control. So many of us knew, but apparently many did not. Hmmmm! The members of the Supreme Court did not seem to know what a hornets 🐝 nest they were stirring up. Chief Justice John Roberts has recently voiced concern about the court's current reputation among Americans. At least he seems to be aware of the fact that there is a cavernous disconnect. I am convinced that Amy Cunty Barrett lives in an alternate Stepford Christian wife, type of existence. That not only makes her extremely dangerous, it makes her devoid of empathy. She is a no exceptions Pro Life woman and she acts as if her skewed view point is universal. It is not. Every woman and situation is different. That is why you let women choose for themselves. Hence the name Pro Choice. I find it interesting that other Republican women are equally appalled by the fall of Roe as I am. There is a South Carolina State Senator Katrina Shealy (R) who spoke📣out passionately as a Pro Life woman against a no exceptions abortion ban that was proposed in her state. This is a woman’s issue and women will control it, in one way or another. Shealy got the fact that women have lost rights with their health and lives at stake. She also got that there is more than the life of the fetus to be protected.

I keep hearing that Republicans are dialing back their Pro Life 📣 Campaign rhetoric. They have obviously heard how that position is holding them back and reducing their chances for holding office. Hold the phone ☎️ . I saw a piece where campaign literature has actually been changed to leave out the strong Pro Life positions that these guys have. That is a bell that cannot be unrung 🔕. I think that is a case of Too Little Too Late! Women have long memories 🐘 and are not going to fall for a prior, bell ringing, "Conception starts at life" person to suddenly moderate on the issue. I think this move can be seen as more of them thinking that women are Stupid and will fall for a cheap🔮 “slight of hand” trick. Not a good look at all. They are underestimating us in the worst way. If they had any integrity at all, they would stick with their beliefs and at least show devotion to them. I heard tonight that the Michigan Supreme Court (5-2) decided that the November election will include the issue of abortion rights. Any bets on how that vote will go? There were petitions on both sides prior to the ruling. So many people have become engaged, 😈 enraged and involved in politics since Dobbs. It is a political awakening. I hear the winds of RECLAIM blowing in my ears . RECLAIM. .



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